Halcyon Neighborhood Association • Berkeley, CA | |
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The full newsletter (with a bit of formatting) is online at http://www.halcyonneighborhood.org
Neighbors, join Halcyon Neighborhood AssociationÕs Facebook group at http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=292160762499!
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Halcyon Neighborhood Association E-News 2/4/14
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Items appearing in the HNA E-News are deemed to be of general interest to neighbors but do not necessarily reflect the views of Halcyon Neighborhood Association (HNA), its Steering Committee, or the Editor. The EditorÕs introductory comments express her personal viewpoint.
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1. Neighborhood Watch
Community Meeting, Weds., Feb. 19, 2014, 7-8:30 p.m.
2. Reminder: HNA
Annual Fundraising Appeal!
3. Light the Night
for Neighborhood Safety!
4. Crime-Watch
Updates & Links
5. Whole Foods Market
News: Next Drop-in Progress Meeting, March 12, 8-8:30 a.m.
6. Public Hearing on
Use Permit for Large Cafˇ at Ashby & Telegraph, Tues., March 11, 7 p.m.
7. CERT News: Free
Classes, Cache Application, and CERT Volunteer Meeting
EditorÕs Introductory Note:
Thanks to the four hosting households for our Post-Holiday Progressive Potluck, thanks to all who attended bringing delicious food offerings, and thanks to Tory Finn for organizing the event last month. It was a great evening, and about 70-80 neighbors attended one or more of the courses. Special thanks to those who remembered to bring financial contributions to HNA (it isnÕt too late! See item 2).
Hope to see many of you at our HNA Neighborhood Watch Community Meeting on February 19 (see item 1), a great chance to ask the Berkeley Police Department your questions concerning recent robberies and other crimes in our neighborhood. LetÕs keep working together to improve neighborhood safety (Karl ReehÕs suggestions in item 3 represent a great step forward)!
—Nancy Carleton, HNA Co-Chair and E-News Editor, halcyon92@gmail.com
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1. Neighborhood Watch Community Meeting, Weds., Feb. 19, 2014, 7-8:30
EditorÕs note: In the wake of the robberies in South Berkeley/North Oakland in the first half of December, the HNA Steering Committee scheduled a neighborhood watch meeting in February.
Neighborhood Watch
Community Meeting
Wednesday, Feb. 19,
7-8:30 p.m.
Chochmat HaLev Social
Hall (Prince at Fulton)
Members of the Berkeley Police Department will be present to update us on current crime trends and what we can do to help prevent crime; our city councilmembers are invited, and there will also be a brief segment on disaster preparedness. Please join us for this important meeting. The meeting will start and end on time.
* In addition, if you havenÕt already donated this year, PLEASE bring along a check or cash contribution to HNA of whatever size (no amount is too small or large — see item 2; your contribution will help us upgrade our neighborhood disaster supply cache, maintain Halcyon Commons, and continue to duplicate flyers in 2014)!
* * * * * * * * * * * *
2. Reminder: HNA Annual Fundraising Appeal!
EditorÕs note: One more time, with feeling: Your donations allow those of
us who put in many volunteer hours to keep HNA alive to have the resources that
allow us to take our neighborhood efforts to the next level (keeping the park
and nearby landscaped features in good shape, enhancing our disaster preparedness
efforts, communicating with neighbors through flyers, etc.). Please show your
appreciation in material form!
There are three ways you can
respond to this appeal:
(1) Make a financial contribution
directly to HNA (not tax-deductible, but allows us maximum flexibility), by
writing a check to ŅHNAÓ and mail or drop it off to HNA Treasurer Susan Hunter,
3044 Halcyon Court, Berkeley, CA 94705;
(2) Make a tax-deductible
financial contribution with check made out to ŅBerkeley Partners for ParksÓ
(BPFP, our nonprofit fiscal sponsor), earmarked Halcyon Commons, and mail or
drop off to HNA Treasurer Susan Hunter, 3044 Halcyon Court, Berkeley, CA 94705;
(3) Make a direct donation of any
of the items listed in our Disaster Supply Cache Wish List found on our HNA website. Contact halcyon92@gmail.com to arrange to drop
them off.
No contribution is too small (or
too large!). Our neighborhood associationÕs health and vitality depend on your
ongoing support. And in the event of a big earthquake, some of our lives may
very well depend upon it. Please pitch in!
* * * * * * * * * * * *
3. Light the Night for Neighborhood Safety!
EditorÕs note: The Berkeley Neighborhoods Council, or BNC, puts out a monthly newsletter at http://www.berkeleyneighborhoodscouncil.com/index.htm. The latest issue included a letter from Karl Reeh, president of Le Conte Neighborhood Association, with boundaries overlapping HNAÕs. His ideas on lighting are well worth noting and putting into practice!
Hi, Neighbors:
Here is one way to help reduce crime and provide a cheerier residential neighborhood, particularly in these dark winter nights, but at other times too. . . .
Lighting the way to a
brighter, safer neighborhood:
1. Leave some lights on ALL night -- on porches and driveway. Have house number illuminated (especially important for emergency responders), use motion-activated lights, and,
2. Leave indoor lights on with on/off timers.
3. Become a ŅTorch BearerÓ by always carrying a bright LED flashlight. Use it when walking or going outside at night. This signals to neighbors and others that you are paying attention and, very importantly, helps drivers see you when crossing streets. You can find many models under $5 at local hardware stores. Keep this flashlight with you for keys, dark theaters, and for seeing passersby and uneven sidewalks. Remember, criminals do not want to be seen so they will avoid picking victims with flashlights.
4. Indoors: Store a working flashlight in every room. Install automatic backup lights in bathrooms and bedrooms.
5. Indoor/Outdoor: Garden beds, walkways -- use solar, low-wattage LED lights. Leave a light on in one or more rooms visible from the street signifying that people are home and possibly awake.
6. Consider these examples of extra lighting that have been done on my block, and make what you do on your block even more effective and interesting:
* Outline an entry archway with lights
* Leave strings of LED holiday lights on front bushes on all winter
* Put LED or solar lights on tall poles
* Have holiday lights in your living room visible from outside
7. Balance the additional energy youÕll be using with these additional lights, look for ways to save, see if you can change Ņappliance bulbsÓ in your refrigerator over to lower 15-walt bulbs that provide less heat and enough light, change lamp bulbs all over your house to energy savers, use solar lighting outside, turn off electronics when not in use. (LED lights, which last for 25 years, are now available for under $10.)
Get your block or neighborhood to discuss these ideas and come up with more actions that will result in a more attractive AND safer neighborhood. (Copies of this information as a flyer will be a good way to start!)
Karl Reeh, President Le Conte Neighborhood Association
EditorÕs note: Karl Reeh, President of Le Conte Neighborhood Association, also noted recently on the Le Conte Chat, in response to a neighbor who pointed out that the CityÕs lighting needs to address the pedestrian level (not just whatÕs necessary for drivers):
ŅBerkeley has started replacing the current hi-pressure yellow lights with lower-wattage LED fixtures. (So far Telegraph south of campus and parts of San Pablo have been converted, I understand.) This is in the bid stage, however, so it may be months before the big conversion starts. At a recent meeting, our Police Chief suggested that residents let the BPD know if they feel that there are problems with current lighting in their neighborhoods. Lights that are burned out and/or being shaded by overgrown trees, for instance. (You should call 311 to report problems.) In the meanwhile neighborhoods should encourage everyone to leave their porch lights on ALL NIGHT and carry flashlights whenever you go outside -- to your car, to take the garbage out, etc. It is especially important to use a bright flashlight when walking anywhere at night! Criminals do not want to be seen, so carrying a bright light will discourage them from picking you as a victim.
EditorÕs note: When calling 311 to report streetlights that are out or that are dim or flickering, please have the number on the tab on the light pole available — these numbers are found on yellow or white tabs on the poles and make it much easier for the city to get someone out promptly to fix lights.)
* * * * * * * * * * * *
4. Crime-Watch Updates & Links
EditorÕs note: Our HNA Facebook group at http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=292160762499 often shares breaking crime reports in between E-News editions (your home and email addresses plus phone are required to participate so we can be sure the group is kept safe for neighbors, and we require this information prior to accepting your request). Remember, we rely on neighbors to fill in the details of crimes in our neighborhood, so, in addition to filing a police report (which can now be done online through the City of Berkeley website for some kinds of crimes: http://www.ci.berkeley.ca.us/onlinereport/), please email halcyon92@gmail.com to pass the word on to your neighbors, or share it on our Facebook page, so we can all stay aware and vigilant!
HNA Steering Committee member Mikel Delgado submitted the following summary of recent crimes in or near the neighborhood. Thank you, Mikel!
1/8 burglary, Prince & Halcyon
1/8 commercial burglary, Telegraph & Dowling
1/9 robbery, Russell & Deakin
1/11 burglary, Webster & Deakin
1/13 vehicle stolen, Russell & Wheeler
1/13 robbery, Tremont & Woolsey
1/14 robbery, Tremont & Woolsey
1/17 vehicle stolen, Shattuck & Oregon
1/18 burglary [of bicycle shed, described below], Halcyon
1/19 burglary, Woolsey and Wheeler
1/19 assault, Shattuck and Prince
1/20 felony theft, Prince and Deakin
1/21 disturbance [incident described below], Halcyon
1/21 larceny theft, Prince and Wheeler
1/31 vehicle break-in, Fulton and Ashby
A Deakin Street neighbor Street submitted the following report:
ŅStolen bicycle, Deakin Street, Jan. 11, 2014. A black tandem bicycle (Santana brand) was stolen by cutting our basement lock during the night of Jan. 11, 2014. The Berkeley police were notified.Ó
A Halcyon Court neighbor submitted the following report to our HNA Facebook group:
ŅI was coming out the door of the back unit [late morning on
Saturday, January 18]. I saw a man walking down our driveway with my bike. I
ran after him and said, ŅGive me back my bike.Ó He left the bike and took off.
Then the two painters who were working next door came out and assisted me. They
chased the guy down Telegraph Ave. Meantime I called the police. I think [the thief]
cracked open the lock [to my bike shed] somehow. He was not caught. My only
small frustration is when I called the number of questions
I got were taking up precious time. I know why they ask these, but a few
minutes more and they may have been able to catch him. After the lengthy
questioning, she finally said to the officers ŅSuspect headed down Telegraph.Ó
But it was too late. [EditorÕs note: See note on Police
Dispatch below.] The painters chased him for quite some time. He pulled a knife
at one of the painters [to get them to release him]. Thanks to those guys for
being so helpful. Description of thief: Older African American male (possibly
late 60s) medium build, 5'4", short curly hair, light skin,
salt-and-pepper hair. Was wearing dark green slacks, muted wool plaid jacket,
and tan painters cap.Ó [Another neighbor chimed in that this description
matched that of the thief who stole and rode off on her bike, stolen last October.]
A Bateman neighbor posted an
account of the second part of the incident on Nextdoor Bordertown:
ŅA little after noon [1/18],
I was riding my bike east on Prince towards Telegraph and witnessed [what
appeared to be a robbery in progress, but turned out to be the aftermath of the
attempted bicycle theft, including the chase]: Three men were tussling, then a
black man of small build got away and ran up Prince toward Telegraph with a
large black backpack, and other two men started to chase him but then fell
back. They told me to call the police, as one of
them got into his truck, and the other followed the backpack thief on foot. I
called the police and saw the chase on foot continue south on Telegraph and
then west on Woolsey. Two police cars showed up shortly thereafter. After
coming home and dropping my son off (he was riding in the babyseat), my husband
took a walk and found the police taking a report from the two men near Halcyon
A Halcyon Court neighbor submitted the following report to our HNA Facebook group:
ŅI returned home about 9:30 [on January 21] and noticed a tall [later described as six-foot-tall] black man about 40 with a mustache, walking back and forth in front of my house and looking at me. Fortunately, I had my large dog in the back of the car -- I immediately took the dog out of the car and tried to approach my house. I donÕt want to go into more details due to outcome, but this fellow after a few words threatened to kill me if I came near my house. I walked away from the house and two kind strangers called the police for me, and protected me until he left, my amazing neighbor XXXX came out to see what was happening and brought me into his home to wait for the police, who did catch the man who threatened me. I want to commend Officer David Marble of the BPD for his professionalism, his calm, and his walking me through the process of what to do next. I did run into the same problem with Dispatch as [another neighbor] did with the man who stole her bike out of her property -- however, the dispatch person reassured me after I protested that as she was asking all these questions, he was getting away, that although she had to ask questions, the police were already on their way. It would be so helpful to any of us who are in the same situation if Dispatch could reassure us of this fact up front. It was terrifying but I am so grateful for those kind strangers, my neighbors, and Officer Marble and his colleagues who caught the person. IÕm writing this to let neighbors know about the situation in case he should return to our neighborhood.Ó
EditorÕs note: ŅPolice responded and found Robert Lee Jackson,
42, of Berkeley, nearby. He was detained and arrested on suspicion of making
threats and probation violation. He remains in custody, according to the Alameda
County sheriffÕs department,Ó according to a Berkeleyside article on January 28
that covered the incident.
Armed robbery at Tremont & Woolsey (near the Ed Roberts
Campus), as reported on Nextdoor Bordertown:
ŅMy husband was robbed at gunpoint at Tremont & Woolsey at 8:07 p.m. last
night (Tuesday 1/14]. I believe it was the same assailants who hit Patton
Street. Came up from behind him walking away from Ashby BART. Two of the guys
grabbed his arms while the other one took his backpack, wallet, and iPhone.
They told him to walk away or they would shoot. As he was walking away, the guy with the gun came back and yelled for his
wedding band. Sadly, that was taken too. My husband yelled to give back his
keys at least so he could get into his home. Oddly (and fortunately!) they
threw them back towards him! He then yelled to borrow a phone from a passer-by
and called 911. Berkeley police responded within 1-2 minutes. Officer Singh was
incredibly helpful and thorough. Backpack was recovered at San Pablo and 54th
by a good Samaritan on a bike. Officer Singh went to talk to her about the
backpack as this appears to be linked a string of other robberies in the area.
When Officer Singh returned backpack, the ŅFind my iPhoneÓ feature was
activated. Turns our Oakland PD had turned it on when phone was found in
abandoned crashed car in what I believe is what Chris is referring to in above
post. The car was around Blaine Street by 87th and San Leandro Ave (according
to Find my iPhone--we didn't confirm exact location with police) in Oakland.
Please be mindful of walking with earbuds, especially in the dark. Best to not
have any distractions. One side of the street on Woolsey by Tremont is dark
because the trees block the street lamp. Try to walk on other side. My husband
said he thought something was amiss when the huddled group of guys was
whispering as he passed by. Listen to your gut. He said perhaps he should have run.
IÕm just glad he is safe. Police advised us to stay in groups when leaving BART
especially in the dark. While backpack and phone have been recovered, the
wedding band was of sentimental value to us. Hammered metal with inscription of
ŅMy Podmate.Ó Please contact if found. Thank you, and be safe, neighbors!Ó
Link on mid-January Robbery Near BART:
About Police Dispatch
EditorÕs note: Since the question/concern has been raised by a couple of people, I want to reiterate what one neighbor said in a recent post to our HNA Facebook group: ŅJust because Dispatch is still asking you questions doesnÕt mean the officers aren't already on their way! In fact, with anything currently taking place, theyÕre almost certainly in transit while Dispatch continues to question you. Marcy McGaugh, a Bateman Neighborhood Crime Watch Captain, put it this way: ŌSomething we learned in the Citizen Academy: Dispatch is collecting info from those reporting crimes in progress that is meant to protect officers arriving on the scene, but those officers are en route the minute we report the crime. If citizens don't know that, theyÕre frustrated and think the Dispatch officer isn't responding appropriately or doing anything in response to the report.Õ Ó
Neighborhood Response
to Wave of Armed Robberies
EditorÕs note: HNA Steering Committee member Mikel Delgado submitted the following thorough report. Thank you, Mikel!
On January 13, 2014, leaders from five neighborhoods south of campus (LeConte, Willard, Bateman, Halcyon, and Claremont-Elmwood) met with Berkeley Chief of Police Meehan, along with our Area Coordinator Jessyca Nabozny and Lt. Upson, Community Services.
The purpose of the meeting was to express community concerns about the recent increase in robberies in the neighborhood and to brainstorm on ways to increase communication between police and the community.
Berkeley experiences an average of 1-2 robberies per day (about 1/3 of these are known to be armed robberies). One of the major takeaways from that meeting is that criminals target their victims; the victims most often chosen are those who are not paying attention to their surroundings and are visibly displaying valuables (small electronics). Please remind your neighbors and friends that Ņdistracted while walkingÓ accounts for a good percentage of street robberies and that to prevent being victim to crime itÕs very important to stay alert to the environment.
In response to the recent robberies, the BPD is doing joint patrols an increasing communication with UC Berkeley and BART police. Berkeley and Oakland police also monitor each other's radios.
Berkeley BPD is examining how other agencies use social media, and is very interested in using these tools to communicate with the public. They encourage neighborhoods to continue organizing (they are always impressed with HNA) and using email and social media to share information.
Resources you can use to learn more about crime in Berkeley:
The Berkeley Police Scanner radio feed, and other municipal feeds, can be found on this website:
You can sign up for email crime alerts here:
You can also go to the BPD website and see the ŅDaily Calls for ServiceÓ log:
And here is the website where you can do your own searches on crimes based on address, date, crime type etc.
This website is synced with city data once a day. Crime-information availability also depends on when the crime is reported.
The BPD are also willing to train people in how to use these tools, and will perform safety walk-throughs or trainings on request; they are also happy to communicate with public works about other safety concerns (such as dark streets/broken streetlights); they just need to know about it!
Lighting Issues on Woolsey
near Tremont
HNA Co-Chair Nancy Carleton passed on to Jim Hynes in the City ManagerÕs office and the offices of Councilmembers Max Anderson and Kriss Worthington comments from Nextdoor Bordertown concerning lighting issues near the corner of Tremont and Woolsey where multiple robberies have occurred since last fall (at least seven at just this one corner!). Jim Hynes met on the site with various staff members that week to begin to address some of these lighting issues. Thank you, all!
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5. Whole Foods Market News: Next Drop-in Progress Meeting on March 12,
8-8:30 a.m.
EditorÕs note: News from Whole Foods Market. If youÕd like to be added to the neighbor notification list that Lizzie Brimhall maintains for the neighborhood-WFM meetings (and to notify neighbors when work is being done at the store), please email her at lizzie.brimhall@wholefoods.com.
Hi folks:
We are installing 3 electric car charging stations in partnership with City of
Berkeley, PG&E, and NRG Energy. . . .
*The three spaces will be located on the Ashby side of the store, close to the
receiving dock, adjacent to the stairwell that
comes down from the roof of the store over there.
*They will be available for charging cars during
store hours only -- no overnight parking. Cars will still need to comply with
our parking rules which state 2 hour parking while shopping at WFM.
*Preliminary work begins [January 28] -- this
preliminary work will be focused on the area behind the store with the
transformer and main electrical supply to the building. We do not expect any
work to be happening back there prior to 8 a.m. for the duration of the
*There will be work happening in the back area of
the store closest to xxx's house frequently through the next few weeks as new
electrical stations and equipment to support the charging stations is
installed. Most of this will not involve heavy noise like jackhammering but I
will update as needed.
*Estimated duration of the project is three weeks;
however, rain is possible later this week, which might slow the project. I will
update as needed.
Thanks all -- I hear there is quite a lot of
excitement in the community already about these charging stations, and I am
looking forward to providing that service to our customers! Please let me know of
any questions.
Mel, Melody.Mestemacher@wholefoods.com
[Store Team Leader, Whole Foods
[Neighbors can also contact:]
Lizzie Robillard Brimhall, Marketing Team Leader, Whole Foods Market
510-649-1333, ext. 260, lizzie.brimhall@wholefoods.com
Next Drop-in Progress Meeting, Wednesday, March 12, 8-8:30 a.m.
Whole Foods Market (check in at Customer Service)
ŅThese meetings are held at the Community Table
at the front of the store, and the purpose is to share our plans for ongoing
changes in the store, street litter control, and progress on any of the ongoing
issues we discuss [with HNA reps and nearby neighbors]. The Store Team Leader
is usually present, and anyone is welcome to join us. Of course there will be
complimentary coffee, tea, and snacks. Our goal is to follow up immediately on
any issues that we hear about, and to hear how the store can be a better
As always, if there are ever any urgent issues, please call the store at 510-649-1333 and ask for the shift manager on duty. If itÕs between 7: 30 a.m. and 5 p.m., Melody, Carlisle, Curt, OR Donna will be in the store, so always feel free to swing by, too, if youÕd like to have a word with us. Call the store during business hours (8am-10pm) at 649-1333 and ask for a Shift Manager:
* * * * * * * * * * * *
6. Public Hearing on Use Permit for Large Cafˇ at Ashby &
Telegraph, Tues., March 11, 7 p.m.
EditorÕs note: As reported previously, the City Council agreed
to hold a public hearing on Bateman Neighborhood AssociationÕs appeal of the
5-4 ZAB decision granting a use permit for a Starbucks at the corner of Ashby
and Telegraph that includes a waiver of the usual parking requirements. Since
there are a range of views among neighbors, HNA hasnÕt taken a position on this
issue but encourages neighbors to inform themselves and to express any strong
views directly to decision makers (in this case, the City Council); you can
find a contact list of decision-makersÕ emails at our HNA website: halcyonneighborhood.org
Public Hearing on Use Permit for 2,000-foot-plus
Cafˇ at 3001 Telegraph (at Ashby)
City Council Meeting, Tues., Mar. 11, 7 p.m.
Old City Hall, 2nd Floor (MLK & Allston)
* * * * * * * * * * * *
7. CERT News: Free Classes, Cache Application, and CERT Volunteer
EditorÕs note: Letter received from Khin Chin, CERT Program Manager with the City of Berkeley. (Please let us know at halcyon92@gmail.com if youÕre aware of a location that could host another neighborhood disaster supply cache either midneighborhood – i.e., around Fulton -- or west of Shattuck up to the Ed Roberts Campus. The size of our neighborhood and its disaster preparedness plan would certainly justify our obtaining additional caches, but this will only happen if we have someplace to host them!)
Hi CERT Community,
The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) class schedule is now available on the Berkeley CERT website. In addition to the CERT Academy scheduled for April 4-6, individual modules are available throughout February and March. Sign up now for classes! Check back as we add additional classes to the schedule. See http://www.cityofberkeley.info/ContentDisplay.aspx?id=57314
The Community Emergency Supply Program (Disaster Caches) application period is now Open. This program awards a limited number of qualifying groups an initial emergency cache of equipment and a container for storage. The application period is open through May 23. See the application on the Office of Emergency Services website for more information: http://www.cityofberkeley.info/uploadedFiles/Fire/Level_3_-_General/2012 Community Emergency Supply Program Application v2.pdf
Reminder that our next CERT Volunteer Meeting is on February 13 at 7 p.m., 997 Cedar St. Come join other CERT Volunteers who are working to improve the CERT program and disaster preparedness and response community wide. Planning is underway for the Berkeley Emergency Prep Fair scheduled for April 26, and more volunteers are needed! The focus for 2014 is children and pets and the fair will be filled with activities for kids, pet owners, and families to help build our community readiness for emergency. To volunteer to help make this great community-wide event possible, sign up with this form (https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/PrepFairVolunteerSignUp) or call me at 510-981-5506.
Thank you,
Khin Chin
CERT Program Manager
Berkeley Fire Department
Office of Emergency Services
2014 Berkeley Emergency Prep Fair - Kids and Pets!
* * * * * * * * * * * *
*For Your Calendar: HNA Dates Scheduled for 2014
Dates set as
of January 2014 (verify
before event by checking recent HNA E-News)
January 26, 2014 |
p.m. |
Progressive Potluck (four courses at four households:
see E-News for addresses). |
Feb. 19, 2014 |
p.m. |
Watch Community meeting (Crime Watch focus with brief
Disaster Prep segment), Chochmat HaLev (Prince at
Fulton) |
March 15, 2014 |
-2:30 p.m. |
Work Party
in Halcyon Commons & Surrounding Neighborhood with
Cal students from Berkeley Project, Halcyon Commons
(Halcyon at Prince). |
May 31, 2014 |
9:30 a.m.
- |
Work Party
in Halcyon Commons & surrounding neighborhood,
Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince). |
June 5, 2014 |
p.m. |
Steering Committee Meeting to track progress &
plan for second half of 2014, Webster Street (email halcyon92@gmail.com for
address). |
June 29 |
p.m. |
Celebration & Potluck in park with live music,
Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince); Appetizer Platter
& Cake courtesy of Whole Foods Market. |
July 31, 2014 |
p.m. |
Mini Work
Party in Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince). |
August 5, 2014 |
6:30- |
Night Out Against Crime: Ice Cream Social in the Park! |
October 18, 2014 |
a.m. |
Disaster Prep event, Emphasis on Children & Pets |
October 31, 2014 |
p.m. |
Parade around Park for Kids, Halcyon Commons (Halcyon
at Prince). |
late Oct./early Nov. XX, 2014 (date TBD) |
9:00 a.m.- |
Mulching Work Party & Graffiti Removal in
surrounding neighborhood with Cal students from
Berkeley Project, Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince). |
December 7, 2014 |
5:30 - |
Steering Committee Meeting to set dates for 2015,
Wheeler Street (email halcyon92@gmail.com for
address). |
January 25, 2015 |
5:30 - |
Progressive Potluck (four courses at four households:
see E-News for addresses TBD). |
*HNA’s Disaster Prep Supply Cache Wish List
HNA’s Halcyon Commons Disaster Prep Supply Cache contains items
intended to benefit the entire neighborhood in the event of
disaster (primarily first aid, search & rescue, and
communications supplies plus items for command center setup in
Halcyon Commons). You can help us have what we need on hand in two
ways: (1) Make a financial contribution for purchasing additional
supplies to HNA (not tax deductible) or to Berkeley Partners for
Parks, earmarked Halcyon (BPFP
is our nonprofit fiscal sponsor, so a check through them is tax
deductible); mail or drop off your check to HNA Treasurer Susan
Hunter, 3044 Halcyon Court, Berkeley, CA 94705. (2) Contribute any
of the following items in-kind (supplies MUST be new or in
EXCELLENT condition):
Police Emergency Number:
911 (from landline);
981-5911(from cell; preprogram with this number to reach Berkeley
emergency from a cell)
Police Nonemergency Number: 981-5900
Link to beat maps and a list of beat officers:
In the Halcyon neighborhood: west of Fulton is Beat 10; east of Fulton is Beat 9.
Link to crime stats, Berkeley:
Link to police bulletins:
Other City of Berkeley Departments:
City Manager’s Office: Jim Hynes jhynes@ci.berkeley.ca.us 981-2493
Nonemergency Call Center for Public Services:
Dial 311 (you will be
directed to the appropriate department) to report problems with
lights (get the tag number off the pole), blocked storm drains,
branches down, etc.
Public Works Customer Service: 981-6620
(streets, sidewalks, graffiti,
sewers, litter, storm drains, street lights)
Tree Trimming/Planting (Forestry)/Parks: 981-6660
Written Communication with City Council
To comment to the City Council, use following email addresses:
“City Clerk” clerk@ci.berkeley.ca.us,
“Mayor Tom Bates” Mayor@ci.berkeley.ca.us,
“Councilmember Linda Maio” LMaio@ci.berkeley.ca.us,
“Councilmember Darryl Moore” DMoore@ci.berkeley.ca.us,
“Councilmember Max Anderson” MAnderson@ci.berkeley.ca.us,
“Councilmember Jesse Arreguin” JArreguin@ci.berkeley.ca.us,
“Councilmember Laurie Capitelli” LCapitelli@ci.berkeley.ca.us,
“Councilmember Susan Wengraf” SWengraf@ci.berkeley.ca.us,
“Councilmember Kriss Worthington” KWorthington@ci.berkeley.ca.us,
“Councilmember Gordon Wozniak” GWozniak@ci.berkeley.ca.us
Representatives for Our Neighborhood
Councilmember Max Anderson (District 3) 981-7130
West side of Wheeler Street to the west (except for Woolsey
Wheeler and Shattuck)
Councilmember Kriss Worthington (District 7) 981-7170
East side of Wheeler to the east (includes block of Woolsey from
Wheeler to Shattuck)
Mayor Tom Bates 981-7100 Mayor@ci.berkeley.ca.us
Zoning Adjustments Board
To comment to the Zoning Adjustments Board regarding projects on
their calendar, email:
Zoning Adjustments Board zab@ci.berkeley.ca.us
(It’s best if at all possible to submit your comments 10 days
prior to meeting for inclusion in the advance packet to board
members, but late submissions will be distributed the evening of
the meeting.)
HNA is a community group dedicated to stewardship of the Halcyon
Neighborhood in South Berkeley (bounded by Telegraph, Ashby,
Adeline, and Woolsey). We encourage positive, proactive,
partnership-oriented approaches to improving the well-being of our
neighborhood, with an emphasis on the following goals:
* Community building (such as regular potlucks, special events in
the park, mutual support among neighbors, and multiblock yard
* Ongoing care of Halcyon Commons (a park conceived of and created
by the neighbors who founded HNA) under the nonprofit umbrella
provided by Berkeley Partners for Parks and in partnership with
the City of Berkeley;
* Continued greening and care of the neighborhood (planting trees,
cleaning litter off streets, graffiti removal, and helping
maintain public landscaped features);
* Strengthening neighborhood watch (crime watch, community safety
walks, emergency preparedness, and disaster supply cache);
* Networking with the larger Berkeley community (nearby
neighborhood groups, neighborhood businesses, City staff, and
elected officials);
* Sharing information and empowering residents to become proactive
in addressing neighborhood needs and in expressing individual
viewpoints regarding civic affairs (spreading news through
meetings, flyers, and the HNA E-News, and providing contact
To fulfill these goals, HNA provides a sanctuary from partisan
politics so that neighbors with diverse viewpoints feel welcome to
participate. Thus, HNA only takes stands on larger issues when
there is near-unanimity among neighbors. By focusing on immediate
local concerns, we find we can have a greater impact and get
better results from the time we invest. Guided by these
principles, HNA invites neighbors who are willing to work together
in a spirit of partnership to participate at whatever level makes
sense for them. Opportunities for serving on our volunteer
Steering Committee and project-oriented committees are available
to neighbors who are willing to roll up their sleeves and work
together in a nonpartisan spirit. Neighbors are invited to step
forward into leadership positions defined by the work they do in
accordance with HNA’s primary goals and guiding principles.
The Halcyon Neighborhood Association E-News: The HNA E-News forwards items of general interest to neighbors in the Ashby/Telegraph/Woolsey/Adeline area of south Berkeley (HNA’s borders), including announcements about community-building potlucks, greening projects, crime watch, disaster preparedness, and work parties in Halcyon Commons park. If you’re receiving this email, you probably either signed up at a neighborhood event or a neighbor forwarded it to you. Please note that to prevent spam, HNA does not share your email address with third parties. If you wish to be removed from this list, please contact HNA Co-Chair Nancy Carleton/Halcyon Neighborhood Association at halcyon92@gmail.com. Feel free to pass the HNA E-News on to other neighbors you think might be interested.
To submit items for the newsletter: Email brief, unformatted
content or links (no graphics or attachments please!) to HNA
E-News Editor Nancy Carleton at halcyon92@gmail.com. Crime-watch
reports and news about neighbors (births, new jobs, announcements
about home businesses or creative projects) are especially
welcome. Please note that due to the volunteer nature of the
endeavor, the E-News does not include “letters to the editor” or
“commentary,” but will gladly include links to such items written
by neighbors in the Ashby/Telegraph/Woolsey/Adeline area and
published elsewhere (the
Berkeley Daily Planet has a large section devoted to opinion).
Also, please note that the E-News is typically published the
second week of each month; submit your item early if it relates to
a future event, and there’s a greater chance it will be included.
HNA Halcyon Safety Walk & Neighborhood Watch Listserv: For those interested in getting breaking crime-watch news, discussing ways to make our neighborhood safer, and perhaps participating in night-time and daytime safety “dog” walks (dogs not required!) to build community and serve as eyes on the street, please contact halcyon92@gmail.com indicating your interest in this listserv, and you’ll receive an invitation to join. For everyone’s safety, be sure to include your full name, address, email, and phone.
HNA Disaster Preparedness Listserv: If you’re interested in helping out with neighborhood disaster preparedness, please contact halcyon92@gmail.com indicating your interest, and you’ll receive an invitation to join. For everyone’s safety, be sure to include your full name, address, email, and phone.
HNA Steering Committee Listserv: If you’re interested in serving on HNA’s Steering Committee in alignment with HNA’s Guiding Principles, email halcyon92@gmail.com to indicate your interest. The Steering Committee conducts most of its business via listserv (with one or two in-person meetings annually); members agree to assist with at least one or two HNA events during the course of the year and to answer Yahoo group polls to aid in planning.
Halcyon Neighborhood Association Facebook Group: Our HNA Facebook group (http://cts.vresp.com/c/?BerkeleyPartnersforP/602147a249/9a00c7ec5d/36acb93edf/gid=292160762499) gives neighbors fresh opportunities to network, build community, and share ideas about issues of mutual concern. Open to immediate neighbors, friends from nearby neighborhoods, and former neighbors who want to stay in touch.
HNA Blog: If you would like to view previous newsletters online (and comment via a blog format, though this is a low activity blog), please visit http://cts.vresp.com/c/?BerkeleyPartnersforP/602147a249/9a00c7ec5d/8af94d44a8.
HNA is an adopt-a-park affiliate with the nonprofit Berkeley Partners for Parks (BPFP). Thanks to VerticalResponse for the donation of email services for sending the HNA E-News!