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Neighborhood Association E-News 2/8/11
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Items appearing in the HNA E-News
are deemed to be of general interest to neighbors but do not necessarily
reflect the views of Halcyon Neighborhood Association (HNA), its Steering
Committee, or the Editor. The EditorÕs introductory comments express her
personal viewpoint.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
1. Change in time for Monthly Tai Chi Practice in the Park;
February date is Sunday, Feb. 13, 10 a.m. (with optional training at 9:30 a.m.)
2. Crime Watch Updates: Three Daytime Burglaries on
Emerson; Suspicious Panhandler on Prince & Woolsey; Concerns about Graffiti
and Loud Gatherings Outside Church at Telegraph/Prince
3. Upcoming Drop-In Progress Meetings at Whole Foods Market, Weds., 2/16 & 3/2, 8:15-9 a.m.
4. Useful Emergency Preparedness Link: Video on Continuous
Chest Compression CPR (a Simpler Alternative to Standard CPR)
5. HNA Dates for Remainder of 2011 up at http://www.halcyonneighborhood.org/#Calendar!
6. Upcoming Adeline/Shattuck Issues on ZAB Agenda for
Thursday, Feb. 17, 7 p.m.
7. Free Mulch Available from the City of Berkeley, February
through October
8. Message from Councilmember
Worthington on Parking Enforcement Near Alta Bates & Other Parking Matters
9. Link to Article on Massage
Parlor Prostitution on Woolsey Street
10. Link to Current Free CERT/Disaster
Preparedness Trainings from City
11. Tips to Prevent Car Break-ins
12. Mark Your Calendars: Big Work
Party in Park and Surrounding Neighborhood, Sat., March 5, 9:30 a.m. –
2:30 p.m.
EditorÕs Introductory Note:
Please note that due to new constraints on length from
VerticalResponse, the company that generously enables us to send out messages
to a large list free of charge, from now on I will only be sending the cover
note and the Contents list for each new E-News or E-Update via email. Such
messages will serve to let you know that a new E-News is up online at HNAÕs
website at http://www.halcyonneighborhood.org/.
So please visit the halcyonneighborhood.org website for the information
associated with the Contents list above!
Many thanks to the dozens of
neighbors who attended the post-holiday progressive potluck in January. You are part of what keeps our
Halcyon neighborhood growing as a real community! Thanks as well to everyone
who made a donation; we raised over $500 ($300 of that came from one very
generous couple!), which will help us keep duplicating flyers for the
neighborhood as well as make additions to our disaster supply cache. If you werenÕt
able to make it on January 23, you can still send or drop off a check made out
to HNA (if you need your contribution to be tax-deductible, make it out to our
nonprofit sponsor BPFP, earmarked Halcyon) to HNA Treasurer Susan Hunter, 3044
Halcyon Court, Berkeley, CA 94705. Your contribution will help us make a big
step forward in our neighborhood preparedness in 2011.
Hope youÕre all enjoying the early taste of spring!
—Nancy Carleton, HNA Co-Chair and E-News Editor, halcyon92@gmail.com
* * * * * * * * * * * *
1. Change in time for Monthly Tai Chi
Practice in the Park; February date is Sunday, Feb. 13, 10 a.m. (with optional
training at 9:30 a.m.)
Free monthly Tai Chi Chih Practice (fourth Sundays at 10
a.m. except alternate dates in February & April)
Sunday, February 13, 10-11 a.m. is the next (with optional
training at 9:30 a.m.)
Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at
Facilitated by Prince Street
neighbor Judith Schwartz, 510-843-2062
Optional free instruction in Tai Chi Chih basics at 9:30
a.m. before the February 13 practice!
Contact Judith if youÕre a
beginner whoÕd like to show up early to learn enough of the basics to practice
along with the group at 10 a.m. (Judith will only show up early to offer this
free instruction if some folks contact her in advance to say theyÕll be there,
so be sure to call if youÕre interested; see contact information above.)
EditorÕs note: Judith also offers ongoing classes to teach the Tai Chi
forms in her peaceful Prince Street gardens; you can contact her for more
information. Note that Judith sometimes has to change the date and/or time for
the free community practice given other commitments in her busy life, so please
check the HNA website at http://www.halcyonneighborhood.org/
to verify that monthÕs practice!
* * * * * * * * * * * *
2. Crime Watch Updates: Three Daytime
Burglaries on Emerson; Suspicious Panhandler on Prince & Woolsey; Concerns
about Graffiti and Loud Gatherings Outside Church at Telegraph/Prince
EditorÕs note: Thanks to the Wheeler Street neighbor who both passed on
this news and took the initiative to post a flyer with this information on
Wheeler and Emerson Streets!
NEIGHBORHOOD ALERT: On Tuesday 1/25/11 there were three burglaries on Emerson Street
between Wheeler
and Shattuck. In addition to forced entry and theft, the
intruders vandalized indoor property (i.e., smashed TV and wall). The intruders were spotted around 3-4 p.m. by several witnesses,
who described them as three very young African-American teenage boys, well
dressed, carrying backpacks. If you have further information about these
burglaries, please contact either the police nonemergency number at 981-5900
or, for crimes in progress, call 911 from your landline or 581-5911 from your
cell. [EditorÕs note: Also please be sure to share details with the
neighborhood at halcyon92@gmail.com,
so they can be reported in the next E-News!]
EditorÕs note: A Woolsey Street neighbor reported the following incidents with
an overly aggressive panhandler.
Ņ[This concerns] someone I have
found to be acting a little strangely in the neighborhood for the past several
months. I have lived on Woolsey Street for about 2 1/2 years, and about 6
months ago a man started showing up and acting strangely. He has approached
twice at night, once while [I was] walking alone from the UC campus, the other
while [I was] walking my dog, and now today [2/7] at dusk while I was walking
down Telegraph. Each time was either on Prince or Woolsey, and he always has a
(seemingly bogus) story about his car being towed and him needing change. When
I have told him I had no change, each time he became somewhat frustrated and
asked me to go home and look for some. He even claimed he had family in a home
on Prince and Deakin, which IÕm pretty sure isn't
true. I don't think I am someone who gets paranoid, but this person has made me
very nervous. I only wanted to tell [neighbors] in case he does this, or
anything worse, to anyone else. His description: African American male about
45-55 years, approx 6 ft, short hair, wears thin-rimmed glasses, clean cut, and
always starts asking questions in a polite and friendly way. I believe he wears
a greenish windbreaker type jacket.Ó
EditorÕs note: A Prince Street neighbor submitted this report on 1/23
regarding the area around the church at Telegraph and Prince (and Southside
Lofts on the other side of Telegraph).
ŅSome neighborhood notes on things
I have been noticing lately and thought maybe you could pass along the info to
the neighborhood: There have been a few homeless people hanging out on the
Church steps lately at night. They also seem to be sleeping on the church steps
this past week (the church on the corner of Prince and Telegraph). I have heard
them making loud noise and yelling; they have been just hanging around the
neighborhood at night the past week or so. They also had some kind of a fire
going there last night (maybe it was a few large candles); they have been
yelling quite a bit and seem to be very busy at night. Yesterday a bunch of
graffiti appeared on the South Side Lofts dumpster fence; it seems to match the
graffiti that also appeared yesterday on the bench/bus stop in front of the
Church on the corner of Prince and Telegraph where they sleep. Last week, a
neighbor and I on Prince Street, below Telegraph, saw a man casing the
neighborhood in the late afternoon, he was walking up
and down peopleÕs driveways eventually walking quickly towards Wheeler. The
neighbor I was walking with, spoke to a beat officer, but it was already too
late, because the guy had taken off too quickly to be spotted. I have also seen several
young guys walking to and from the Halcyon Commons park
late at night this past couple of weeks; they seem to be coming from the park
and walking towards Telegraph and making noise on their way etc. Overall it
seems there has just been an increase in these types of things lately, seeing
more graffiti, homeless, and odd foot traffic in the neighborhood. Especially
now that UC Berkeley is back in session, maybe there has just been more
activity in general around town. So I wanted to send you a note, hoping you can
just send some information out to the Halcyon neighborhood about these things
that we need to pay attention to in order to keep our neighborhood clean/safe/quiet,
EditorÕs note: HNAÕs neighborhood watch is in transition given Dawn
TrygstadÕs RubinÕs retirement as HNAÕs Neighborhood Watch coordinator (Dawn
remains active in crime watch as she works to expand community policing along
the Berkeley/Oakland Shattuck corridor). Please get involved if you want our
ongoing Neighborhood Watch to stay strong! Email halcyon92@gmail.com if youÕd like to join
our Yahoo listserv focused on neighborhood watch and night-time
safety walks (you must include your
full address and phone number to receive an invitation so we can be sure that
all participants are trusted neighbors). Also, be sure to report any and all
suspicious behavior. If you feel uncomfortable or get a bad gut feeling, call! And note that Halcyon Commons closes at 10 p.m.; anyone in the park
after that hour can be asked to move by the police. As we were told long ago by Sergeant Cliff Romig, the
philosophy of the Berkeley Police Department is ŅYour level of tolerance will
dictate our level of enforcement.Ó If something is making you uncomfortable,
itÕs up to you to be the squeaky wheel that makes the calls that then get the
attention of our beat officers and results in more frequent patrols.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
3. Upcoming Drop-In Progress Meetings at Whole Foods Market, Weds., 2/16 & 3/2, 8:15-9 a.m.
EditorÕs note: Marketing Team Leader Jim Hallock at Whole Foods Market
sent the following notice about three follow-up meetings planned Ņto directly
address noise levels, to brainstorm, and to keep interested neighbors apprised
of our noise abatement action plan and any other issues that ariseÓ (one
of the meetings has already taken place). Neighbors interested in tracking
noise abatement issues are especially encouraged to attend, though those with
other issues are also welcome. This is also a chance to meet new Store Team
Leader Melody Mestemacher, who will be overseeing a store remodel that will be
taking place later in the year (details to come)! Thanks to Mel and Jim for
offering this additional outreach to the neighborhood!
Progress Meetings
Mel [Melody Mestemacher,
new Store Team Leader] has asked me to set up a few bi-weekly follow-up
meetings for anyone who would like to attend. These meetings will be held at
the Community Table at the front of the store, and the purpose is to share our
plans for noise abatement, the store remodel project scheduled for later this
year, street litter control, and progress on any of the ongoing issues we
discuss [with HNA reps and nearby neighbors] quarterly. Mel and I will meet,
and anyone is welcome to join us. Of course there will be complimentary coffee,
tea, and snacks. Our goal is to follow up immediately on any issues that we
hear about, and to hear how the store can be a better neighbor. The upcoming
meetings are scheduled from 8:15 a.m. - 9 a.m. on Wednesday 2/16 and 3/2.
Jim Hallock
Marketing Team Leader
Whole Foods Market Berkeley
3000 Telegraph Ave.
Berkeley, CA 94705
510.649.1333 ext. 261
* * * * * * * * * * * *
4. Useful Emergency Preparedness Link: Video
on Continuous Chest Compression CPR (a Simpler Alternative to Standard CPR)
EditorÕs note: IÕm repeating this link because this is such useful and
potentially life-saving information, and much
easier to perform than standard CPR.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
5. HNA Dates for Remainder of 2011 up at http://www.halcyonneighborhood.org/#Calendar!
EditorÕs note: Your participation is what keeps our neighborhood safer,
better cared for, and more convivial, so please plan on jotting the dates of
interest on your calendar now. Making our shared neighborhood a priority in
your planning will directly help improve your quality of life here! The link is
and we will update the list when there are changes. Thanks to Bruce Wicinas for
helping get the calendar up as well as for work on the website as a whole.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
6. Upcoming Adeline/Shattuck Issues on ZAB
Agenda for Thursday, Feb. 17, 7 p.m.
EditorÕs note: The following item is from Fulton Street neighbor Lisa
BullwinkelÕs FRNA list. Check out the City of BerkeleyÕs website at http://www.ci.berkeley.ca.us/commissions/zoning/
for more information.
ŅThere are 3 issues at the Zoning
Adjustments Board (ZAB) on Thursday, Feb. 17, 7 p.m. in Council Chambers, 2134
MLK that relate to our neighborhood. If you can go, great!
1. To allow retail sales of beer
and wine for off-site consumption at WalgreenÕs.
2. To install an ATM inside the
liquor store at 3027 Adeline.
3. To establish a music and dance
studio with artist residency and office at 3023 Shattuck.
If they all go through we can get
enough money to get drunk and dance and play music all night!Ó
* * * * * * * * * * * *
7. Free Mulch Available from the City of
Berkeley, February through October
EditorÕs note: Councilmember Max AndersonÕs office passed on the following information. (Remember that the yard waste we send off in our green bins comes back to the City in the form of compost!)
Free compost!
City of BerkeleyÕs Parks Recreation & Waterfront, Marina Division & Public Works
Berkeley residents only
Location: Berkeley Marina (Marina Blvd. across from the Doubletree Hotel
*(please note the new location)
Time & date: The last Saturday of each month
February through October 2011
(except for July, which will be on the 3rd Saturday due to the Kite festival)
*(please note the new day)
2/26, 3/26 4/30, 5/28, 6/25, 7/23, 8/27, 9/24, 10/29 Weather permitting!
Time: Starting at 8:00 a.m. and lasting until the compost is gone
Pick-ups may load no higher than the lip of their bed & must tarp their loads.
Self-serve: Please bring your shovels, containers and safety gear
First come, first served.
For more information or rain cancellations, call the Berkeley Marina office at (510) 981-6740.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
8. Message from
Councilmember Worthington on Parking Enforcement Near Alta Bates & Other
Parking Matters
Dear Halcyon
The City
of Berkeley is working on a pilot project around Alta Bates Hospital to improve
consistency of parking enforcement, by addressing the practice whereby some
people wipe the chalk marks off their tires and park all day while working,
irrespective of the posted parking time limits. Implementation of the LPR
project will probably begin approximately around the end of March. To prepare
for this, additional Info Technology needs for data storage and analysis are
being addressed, including a new server and additional software, which are
currently in the works.
On the
Way (someday)
I am
firmly committed to getting the City to allow online purchases of Parking permits. This may involve a February City Council
item depending on the City Manager response. For many years IÕve initiated
proposals to expand information and services available online, because it makes
the City more accessible and usually also saves us money. This is one more
obvious step that we need to take.
We have
been asked to look at other parking changes so we are currently putting info
together. We are researching the costs, benefits, and operational issues
involved in considering increasing the number of one-day passes as well as
allowing exchanges of unused permits. Will update you in a few weeks when we
get those estimates.
City of
Berkeley, District 7
Milvia Street, 5th Floor
CA 94704
981-7170 phone
981-7177 fax
* * * * * * * * * * * *
9. Link to Article
on Massage Parlor Prostitution on Woolsey Street
* * * * * * * * * * * *
10. Link to Current
Free CERT/Disaster Preparedness Trainings from City
EditorÕs note: These informative free trainings
fill early, so check out the list for February/March now and sign up. The more
of us who are trained, the better weÕll be able to respond to a big earthquake.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
11. Tips to Prevent
Car Break-ins
EditorÕs note: These tips are from the BPD Area 1 Coordinator. Given that
we have periodic waves of car break-ins in our neighborhood, weÕd be wise to
follow these sensible precautions to reduce the chances that our neighborhood
will be a repeat target (thieves return to streets where theyÕve been
successful in the past). And donÕt forget to call the police when you notice
anyone casing cars, night or day.
ŅAlthough it may sound sensible [to
avoid leaving valuables in your car], many people continue to leave valuable
items inside their parked vehicles. Items most commonly stolen include GPS
units, MP3 players, cellular phones, backpacks, gym bags, briefcases, laptop
bags, wallets, and purses. If you must leave valuables inside your car, place
the items out of sight before you
park your car. If a crook is ŌcasingÕ an area for persons parking and sees you
pack/hide your valuables under your seat or inside your trunk, it will clue
them in that you have something to hide and that they should target your
Leave no signs of your valuables.
Although they may not be the
actual valuable item, leaving charging cradles from MP3 players or loose change
in the car may also attract a crookÕs attention.
Try to park in busy, well-lit areas.
Auto burglars prefer breaking into
cars where they will not be observed or attract notice. Rather than parking in
areas where there is little or no one around, try to park in areas where there
is lot of vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
Secure your vehicle.
Always make sure you lock your
vehicle — even if you think you will only be away for a few minutes. Every week, community members report
thefts from their vehicles to the Berkeley Police Department where they did not
have their doors locked or they left a window open. Crooks can be as slippery
as water — and they too follow the path of least resistance. A crook
would much rather burglarize an unlocked vehicle than have to figure out a way
to break into one.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
12. Mark Your
Calendars: Big Work Party in Park and Surrounding Neighborhood, Sat., March 5,
9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
EditorÕs note: Once again weÕll enjoy the help
of volunteers from the Berkeley Project as students from UC help us weed in the
park and spread mulch. We also hope to do litter pickup and graffiti removal in
the larger neighbor, but only if a
neighbor (or two or three) steps forward to lead out a student crew (or crews)
for an hour (or two or three). Please email halcyon92@gmail.com
if youÕre able to take a crew out into the larger neighborhood. If you can help
weed or mulch, just show up at Halcyon Commons. Coffee courtesy of Mokka Cafˇ and
refreshments courtesy of Whole Foods Market will keep us well fueled!
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Dates set as of January 2011 (verify a couple weeks before event by checking HNA E-News):
Ongoing, fourth Sundays (except Sun. Feb. 13 & Sat. April 23), 2011 | 10g11 a.m. | Free Tai Chi Chih practice in Halcyon Commons Park, facilitated by neighbor Judith Schwartz (rain cancels) |
Saturday, March 5, 2011 | 9:30 a.m. –3:00 p.m. | Work Party in Halcyon Commons & Surrounding Neighborhood with Cal students from Berkeley Project, Halcyon Commons (Halcyon Court at Prince Street) |
Saturday, April 23, 2011 | 10–11a.m. | Tai Chi Chih Practice in the Park with Judith Schwartz on World Tai Chi and QiGong Day, Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince) Refreshments courtesy of Whole Foods Market. Hot tea courtesy of Mokka Café (Telegraph at Dowling). |
Saturday, May 14, 2011 | 9:30 a.m. –12:30 p.m. | Work Party in Halcyon Commons & surrounding neighborhood, Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince) Refreshments courtesy of Whole Foods Market. Fresh coffee courtesy of Mokka Café (Telegraph at Dowling). |
Thursday, May 26 | 7 p.m. | Shattuck Neighborhood Crime Prevention Council General Meeting, North Oakland Senior Center (5714 Martin Luther King Junior Way, between 57th & 58th) |
Sunday, June 5, 2011 | 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. | Disaster Prep Drill, Halcyon Commons park across from disaster prep cache (Halcyon at Prince) [committee to set up at 3:30 p.m.] |
Sunday, June 5, 2011 | 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. | Summer Community Garden Potluck, 2329 Webster (John & Michelle’s) |
Saturday, July 9, 2011 | 9:30 a.m. –12:30 p.m. | Work Party in Halcyon Commons & surrounding neighborhood, Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince) Refreshments courtesy of Whole Foods Market. Fresh coffee courtesy of Mokka Café (Telegraph at Dowling). |
Tuesday, August 2, 2011 | 6:00 –8:30 p.m. See detail | National Night Out Against Crime Potluck 6-7:30 p.m.; Safety walk, 7:30-8:30 p.m. Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince) Appetizer platter courtesy of Whole Foods Market. |
Weekday afternoon in late August 2011 (date TBD) | 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. | Weeding in Halcyon Commons & Graffiti Removal in Surrounding Neighborhood with student volunteers from UC School of Public Health, Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince) Refreshments courtesy of Whole Foods Market. |
Sunday, Sept. 25, 2011 | 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. | Big 15th Anniversary of Halcyon Commons Celebration & Potluck in park with live music, Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince) Appetizer Platter & Cake courtesy of Whole Foods Market. |
Weekday night in Sept. 2011 (date TBD) | Time TBD | SNCPC Annual Meeting, North Oakland Senior Center (5714 Martin Luther King Junior Way, between 57th & 58th) |
Monday, October 31, 2011 | Time TBD | Costume parade around park for kids, Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince) with possible informal potluck beforehand. |
Saturday, Nov. 5, 2011 (date to be confirmed) | 9 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. | Big Mulching Work Party & Graffiti Removal in surrounding neighborhood with Cal students from Berkeley Project, Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince) Refreshments courtesy of Whole Foods Market. Fresh coffee courtesy of Mokka Café (Telegraph at Dowling). |
Sunday, December 4, 2011 | 4:30 –6:00 p.m. | HNA Planning Meeting to set dates for 2012, 2329 Webster (Steering Committee & Disaster Prep Committee) |
Sunday, January 29, 2012 | 5:30 – 9:00 p.m. | Post-Holiday Progressive Potluck, four locations TBD |
*HNA’s Disaster Prep Supply Cache Wish List
HNA’s Halcyon Commons Disaster Prep Supply Cache contains items
intended to benefit the entire neighborhood in the event of disaster
(primarily first aid, search & rescue, and communications supplies
plus items for command center setup in Halcyon Commons). You can help
us have what we need on hand in two ways: (1) Make a financial
contribution for purchasing additional supplies to HNA (not tax
deductible) or to Berkeley Partners for Parks, earmarked Halcyon (BPFP
is our nonprofit fiscal sponsor, so a check through them is tax
deductible); mail or drop off your check to HNA Treasurer Susan
Hunter, 3044 Halcyon Court, Berkeley, CA 94705. (2) Contribute any of
the following items in-kind (supplies MUST be new or in EXCELLENT
Police Emergency Number:
911 (from landline);
981-5911(from cell;
preprogram with this number to reach Berkeley emergency from a cell)
Police Nonemergency Number: 981-5900
Link to beat maps and a list of beat officers:
In the Halcyon neighborhood: west of Fulton is Beat 10; east of Fulton is Beat 9.
Link to crime stats,
Link to police bulletins:
Other City of Berkeley Departments:
City Manager’s Office: Jim Hynes jhynes@ci.berkeley.ca.us 981-2493
Nonemergency Call Center for Public Services: Dial 311 (you will be
directed to the appropriate department) to report problems with street
lights (get the tag number off the pole), blocked storm drains, tree
branches down, etc.
Public Works Customer Service: 981-6620 (streets, sidewalks, graffiti,
sewers, litter, storm drains, street lights)
Tree Trimming/Planting (Forestry)/Parks: 981-6660
Written Communication with City Council
To comment to the City Council, use following email addresses:
“City Clerk” clerk@ci.berkeley.ca.us,
“Mayor Tom Bates” Mayor@ci.berkeley.ca.us,
“Councilmember Linda Maio” LMaio@ci.berkeley.ca.us,
“Councilmember Darryl Moore” DMoore@ci.berkeley.ca.us,
“Councilmember Max Anderson” MAnderson@ci.berkeley.ca.us,
“Councilmember Jesse Arreguin” JArreguin@ci.berkeley.ca.us,
“Councilmember Laurie Capitelli” LCapitelli@ci.berkeley.ca.us,
“Councilmember Susan Wengraf” SWengraf@ci.berkeley.ca.us,
“Councilmember Kriss Worthington” KWorthington@ci.berkeley.ca.us,
“Councilmember Gordon Wozniak” GWozniak@ci.berkeley.ca.us
Representatives for Our Neighborhood
Councilmember Max Anderson (District 3) 981-7130
West side of Wheeler Street to the west (except for Woolsey between
Wheeler and Shattuck)
Councilmember Kriss Worthington (District 7) 981-7170
East side of Wheeler to the east (includes block of Woolsey from
Wheeler to Shattuck)
Mayor Tom Bates 981-7100 Mayor@ci.berkeley.ca.us
Zoning Adjustments Board
To comment to the Zoning Adjustments Board regarding projects on their
calendar, email:
Zoning Adjustments Board zab@ci.berkeley.ca.us
(It’s best if at all possible to submit your comments 10 days prior to
meeting for inclusion in the advance packet to board members, but late
submissions will be distributed the evening of the meeting.)
HNA is a community group dedicated to stewardship of the Halcyon
Neighborhood in South Berkeley (bounded by Telegraph, Ashby, Adeline,
and Woolsey). We encourage positive, proactive, partnership-oriented
approaches to improving the well-being of our neighborhood, with an
emphasis on the following goals:
* Community building (such as regular potlucks, special events in
the park, mutual support among neighbors, and multiblock yard sales);
* Ongoing care of Halcyon Commons (a park conceived of and
created by the neighbors who founded HNA) under the nonprofit umbrella
provided by Berkeley Partners for Parks and in partnership with the
City of Berkeley;
* Continued greening and care of the neighborhood (planting
trees, cleaning litter off streets, graffiti removal, and helping maintain public landscaped features);
* Strengthening neighborhood watch (crime watch, community safety
walks, emergency preparedness, and disaster supply cache);
* Networking with the larger Berkeley community (nearby
neighborhood groups, neighborhood businesses, City staff, and elected
* Sharing information and empowering residents to become
proactive in addressing neighborhood needs and in expressing individual viewpoints regarding civic affairs (spreading news through
meetings, flyers, and the HNA E-News, and providing contact
To fulfill these goals, HNA provides a sanctuary from partisan
politics so that neighbors with diverse viewpoints feel welcome to
participate. Thus, HNA only takes stands on larger issues when there
is near-unanimity among neighbors. By focusing on immediate local
concerns, we find we can have a greater impact and get better results
from the time we invest. Guided by these principles, HNA invites neighbors who are willing
to work together in a spirit of partnership to participate at whatever
level makes sense for them. Opportunities for serving on our volunteer
Steering Committee and project-oriented committees are available to
neighbors who are willing to roll up their sleeves and work together
in a nonpartisan spirit. Neighbors are invited to step forward into
leadership positions defined by the work they do in accordance with HNA’s primary goals and guiding principles.
The Halcyon Neighborhood Association E-News: The HNA E-News forwards items of general interest to neighbors in the Ashby/Telegraph/Woolsey/Adeline area of south Berkeley (HNA’s borders), including announcements about community-building potlucks, greening projects, crime watch, disaster preparedness, and work parties in Halcyon Commons park. If you’re receiving this email, you probably either signed up at a neighborhood event or a neighbor forwarded it to you. Please note that to prevent spam, HNA does not share your email address with third parties. If you wish to be removed from this list, please contact HNA Co-Chair Nancy Carleton/Halcyon Neighborhood Association at halcyon92@gmail.com. Feel free to pass the HNA E-News on to other neighbors you think might be interested.
To submit items for the newsletter: Email brief, unformatted content
or links (no graphics or attachments please!) to HNA E-News Editor
Nancy Carleton at halcyon92@gmail.com. Crime-watch reports and news
about neighbors (births, new jobs, announcements about home businesses
or creative projects) are especially welcome. Please note that due to the volunteer nature of the endeavor, the E-News does not include “letters to the editor” or “commentary,” but will gladly include links
to such items written by neighbors in the
Ashby/Telegraph/Woolsey/Adeline area and published elsewhere (the
Berkeley Daily Planet has a large section devoted to opinion). Also,
please note that the E-News is typically published the second week of
each month; submit your item early if it relates to a future event,
and there’s a greater chance it will be included.
HNA Halcyon Safety Walk & Neighborhood Watch Listserv: For those interested in getting breaking crime-watch news, discussing ways to make our neighborhood safer, and perhaps participating in night-time and daytime safety “dog” walks (dogs not required!) to build community and serve as eyes on the street, please contact halcyon92@gmail.com indicating your interest in this listserv, and you’ll receive an invitation to join. For everyone’s safety, be sure to include your full name, address, email, and phone.
HNA Disaster Preparedness Listserv: If you’re interested in helping out with neighborhood disaster preparedness, please contact halcyon92@gmail.com indicating your interest, and you’ll receive an invitation to join. For everyone’s safety, be sure to include your full name, address, email, and phone.
HNA Steering Committee Listserv: If you’re interested in serving on HNA’s Steering Committee in alignment with HNA’s Guiding Principles, email halcyon92@gmail.com to indicate your interest. The Steering Committee conducts most of its business via listserv (with one or two in-person meetings annually); members agree to assist with at least one or two HNA events during the course of the year and to answer Yahoo group polls to aid in planning.
Halcyon Neighborhood Association Facebook Group: Our HNA Facebook group (http://cts.vresp.com/c/?BerkeleyPartnersforP/602147a249/9a00c7ec5d/36acb93edf/gid=292160762499) gives neighbors fresh opportunities to network, build community, and share ideas about issues of mutual concern. Open to immediate neighbors, friends from nearby neighborhoods, and former neighbors who want to stay in touch.
HNA Blog: If you would like to view previous newsletters online (and comment via a blog format, though this is a low activity blog), please visit http://cts.vresp.com/c/?BerkeleyPartnersforP/602147a249/9a00c7ec5d/8af94d44a8.
HNA is an adopt-a-park affiliate with the nonprofit Berkeley Partners for Parks (BPFP). Thanks to VerticalResponse for the donation of email services for sending the HNA E-News!