Halcyon Neighborhood Association • Berkeley, CA | |
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Neighborhood Association E-News 11/4/10
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Items appearing in the HNA
E-Update are deemed to be of general interest to neighbors but do not
necessarily reflect the views of Halcyon Neighborhood Association (HNA), its
Steering Committee, or the Editor. The EditorÕs introductory comments express
her personal viewpoint.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
1. HNAÕs Big Berkeley Project
Work Party in the Park, Saturday, November 6, 9 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
2. Disaster Prep: Get Your Fire
Extinguisher Checked or Recharged, Saturday, Nov. 6, 11 a.m., Halcyon Commons
(RSVP Needed by 1 p.m. Friday, Nov. 5!)
3. More Local Honey from
Neighborhood Bees Available!
4. Join the Halcyon Safety Walk/Neighborhood Watch Listserv
& the Halcyon Disaster Prep Listserv!
5. Free Monthly Tai Chi Practice in the Park, Sunday, November
28, 11 a.m.
6. Crime Watch Tips Related to Recent Burglary Series
7. November Events at Whole Foods Market
8. HNA Planning Meeting for 2011,
Sunday, December 5, 4-5:30 p.m.
9. HNA Year-End Fundraising
EditorÕs Introductory Note:
Our Halcyon Halloween was a great success between the
well-attended Parade around the park and the Halloween Puzzle hunt. Thanks to
the neighbors who took the initiative to organize both events: Susan Snyder and
David Mendenhall. And hereÕs to continuing the tradition next year — a
great way to build community!
We have our big work party in the park (with graffiti
removal in the surrounding neighborhood) this coming Saturday (see item 1).
Also, if youÕre interested in having your fire extinguishers checked and
possibly serviced (or purchasing a new one), be sure to rsvp by Friday Nov. 5
at 1 p.m. (see item 2)!
Finally, you can see local election results at http://www.acgov.org/rov_app/current_election/customindex.jsp
(updates Friday for races involving instant runoff voting). We just had a
hard-fought Council election in District 7 in our neighborhood (current results
stand at Worthington, 49.79%; Beier, 35.59%; Rosales, 14.58%). The County is
still counting mail-in ballots turned in on election day
as well as provisional ballots. If Worthington is still not quite at 50%, the
second choices of Rosales voters will be counted Friday (statistically, itÕs
clear Worthington has won reelection). Thank you to all three candidates
— Kriss Worthington, George Beier, and Ces Rosales — for their
desire to be of service to the community; being on Council is a low-paying job
that requires long hours and unceasing demands, so their willingness to serve
deserves praise regardless of the election outcome. The link provided will also
give you results on other local measures (Measure R won decisively, as did
Measures H & I).
HereÕs wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!
—Nancy Carleton, HNA Co-Chair and E-News Editor, halcyon92@gmail.com
* * * * * * * * * * * *
1. HNAÕs Big
Berkeley Project Work Party in the Park, Saturday, November 6, 9 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
BIG Work Party in
Halcyon Commons & Surrounds
Saturday, November
6, 9 a.m.–2 p.m. (rain or shine!)
Meet at Halcyon
Commons (Halcyon Court at Prince Street)
refreshments (& water) courtesy of Whole Foods Market
Fresh coffee
courtesy of Mokka Cafe (Telegraph at Dowling)
Chat with neighbors & UC student volunteers from CalÕs Berkeley Project while we weed, mulch, pick up trash, and remove graffiti in the park and surrounding neighborhood. Please bring weeding and trimming tools (with labels) if you have them (extra tools will be available if you donÕt). LetÕs get our precious common space ready for the winter months!
Note: If thereÕs a public area in the larger neighborhood where youÕd especially like to see trash picked up or graffiti removed, please consider volunteering for an hour to lead a student crew out to clean it up!
* * * * * * * * * * *
2. Disaster Prep:
Get Your Fire Extinguisher Checked or Recharged, Saturday, Nov. 6, 11 a.m.,
Halcyon Commons (RSVP Needed by 1 p.m. Friday, Nov. 5!)
EditorÕs note: Neighbor Kay Trimberger with the
Halcyon Disaster Preparedness List has kindly arranged for a company to come to
Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince) on Saturday, Nov. 6th to service
your fire extinguishers. This is a great opportunity to take care of a chore
many of us put off too long! (Stay after and pull a few weeds at our work
party; see item e!)
Halcyon Commons Park (expect some chaos: work party happening plus moving van
blocking west side of street)
Around 10: 45 or 11 a.m. (be there between 10:45 and 11 a.m. but be patient if
thereÕs a brief wait)
BEST needs a count on expected servicing/purchases; please rsvp by 1 p.m.
Friday 11/5 to kaytrimberger@yahoo.com
with the number you want checked/serviced and number you anticipate purchasing
The Best
Fire Equipment Company will send a truck to Halcyon Court about 10:45 or 11 a.m.
on Saturday, November 6th to check, recharge, or replace your fire
extinguishers. Another Berkeley neighborhood had a good experience with Best. About
half of the 50 fire extinguishers that neighbors brought were found to be in
good condition, and the others were serviced or replaced at discount prices. Charges
are as follows:
fire extinguisher recharge @ $12.95
A new
2-1/2# Amerex fire extinguisher @ $32.00 each (including sales tax)
A new 5#
Amerex fire extinguisher @ $43.00 each (including sales tax)
accepts checks, Visa & MasterCard.
industry recommendation is that home extinguishers be checked
once per year by a professional. Typical ABC dry powder extinguishers
are guaranteed for 6 years, but BEST will look for broken seals, low pressure,
or other damage. ThereÕs no charge for this service, only for replacement or recharging.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
3. Local Honey from
Neighborhood Bees Available!
EditorÕs note: Prince Street neighbor Doug James
has another harvest of delicious local honey available.
ÒI just
harvested some more honey from my hives on Prince Street. The bees are now
ready for Winter. I am selling pint jars (~1.4 lbs)
for $10 each. People interested in purchasing honey can call me at 510-849-1772
or email: djames@microprop.com. I am grateful to all my neighbors who provide
flowers year round in their gardens. Our local honey is sweet and fragrant. Thanks,
Doug JamesÓ
* * * * * * * * * * * *
4. Join the Halcyon Safety Walk/Neighborhood
Watch Listserv & the Halcyon Disaster Prep Listserv!
EditorÕs note: The HNA E-News offers an edited digest of news that I hope
will be of interest to neighbors, but it only comes out once a month (with
occasional E-Updates in between). Of course, crimes and other news happen in
the interim. The upside to an edited newsletter is it helps neighbors manage
the flow of information and prevents the in-box flooding that can come on a
listserv. The downside is that you donÕt always receive news on a ÒbreakingÓ
basis, and there isnÕt the give-and-take and democratic participation of a
listserv. This is just a reminder that HNA does have two targeted listserv
Yahoo groups — and neither one of them will flood your in-box! — one focused on crime watch (and organizing night-time safety
ÒdogÓ walks), and the other focused on planning for disaster preparedness.
Please email halcyon92@gmail.com if
youÕd like to join either or both of these listservs (please include your
address and phone along with your email; to maintain everyoneÕs safety, these
are open only to known neighbors). On the crime-watch listserv, youÕll often
hear about issues related to crime in advance of the E-News. Out of respect for
all participating, the focus is limited on each of these HNA listservs to the
primary focus — crime watch or disaster preparedness respectively. Added
note: If an enterprising neighbor would like to set in motion a more general
listserv for the Halcyon neighborhood (similar to the Le Conte Chat listserv,
for example), please let us know and we can spread the word through the E-News!
And Halcyon neighbors are welcome on the Le Conte Chat, as our boundaries
overlap, and there are many issues in common (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lecontechat).
* * * * * * * * * * * *
5. Free Monthly Tai Chi Practice in the Park,
Sunday, November 28, 11 a.m.
Free monthly Tai Chi Chih Practice (fourth Sundays at 11
Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at
Facilitated by Prince Street
neighbor Judith Schwartz, 510-843-2062;
EditorÕs note: Judith also offers ongoing classes to teach the Tai Chi
forms in her peaceful Prince Street gardens; you can contact her for more
* * * * * * * * * * * *
6. Crime Watch Tips Related to Recent
Burglary Series
EditorÕs note: The following message was forwarded from Marcy McGaugh, the
Bateman Neighborhood Watch Coordinator, written by Officer Jamie Perkins.
Hello Community Members,
As you may know, there appears to
be a series of residential Òhot prowlÓ burglaries occurring on Beats 8 and 9
since early August, 2010. We believe the most recent
event was on 10/4/10. Here are some similarities in the cases
which lead us to believe they may be connected:
1. The vast majority of residences
are two-story, single-family residences, generally the area from Derby south, between
Claremont and Telegraph. Some duplexes have been hit.
2. Suspect enters through
unlocked, ground floor front, side, or rear door (and in one case, a larger
Òdoggy doorÓ) in at least 13 of 19 incidents.
3. Suspect takes small, easily
carried items such as laptops, digital cameras, cash from purses, IPODS, cell
phones in 17 of 19 incidents.
4. Most incidents occur during
sleeping hours. In those where we know the time (usually because a resident
hears someone inside), the times are between 5 a.m. and 7 a.m. We don't know
the exact time of occurrence in many of the cases because the resident wasn't
5. The suspect in one case is
described as a black male, 20-40 years of age, wearing a blue hunting-type hat
with earflaps, and a dark colored overcoat which
extends below his knees. Two cases have suspect descriptions of an unknown race
male wearing a hooded sweatshirt. One case's suspect is described as a black
male in his 20s, with no further description.
6. The suspect may be on foot, on
a bike, or using a car. Two bikes have been stolen during these burglaries.
7. The suspect may be carrying
stolen goods in a backpack or messenger's bag, or under an overcoat.
8. The suspect always flees upon
contact, or near contact with the resident.
We are devoting officers to
specific activities focused on this series, in the area and at the time they
seem to be most frequently occurring. Our nighttime patrol teams are aware of
this series-and are working hard to bring it to a halt.
We need your help to stop this
series! Please share this information with your family, friends, and neighbors
in this area:
1. Lock your doors. Above all
else, lock your doors. In the vast majority of these cases, the suspect enters
through an unlocked door. Victims have given various reasons for leaving their
doors unlocked, but it appears that simply locking the doors would stop this
particular burglar. Front, side and rear doors-make sure they are all locked
before you go to sleep. We see only one entry via force incident in this series,
when someone pried a door. It is quite possible that the suspect is only
committing burglaries if they can enter through an unlocked door.
2. Report any suspicious
activity-including prowling on private property, trespassing, a person knocking
on your door during the very early morning hours, or any other person who is in
a place they shouldn't be, especially during those early hours. It's possible
that a resident who leaves the house early may come across a person casing, coming
off of private property, etc. If you see such activity, call immediately to
report it, so we can get officers on scene to locate and contact and identify
the individual and determine what crime, if any, has occurred. In series such
as this, it is not unusual to contact a person whose conduct is suspicious, and
subsequently determine they are responsible for other crimes in the series.
3. Keep records of your small
electronicsÕ serial numbers. We need the serial numbers if they are stolen, as
they allow us to connect otherwise unclaimed stolen property back to a crime,
and hold those found in possession of stolen property accountable. Thieves
frequently sell the property they've stolen quickly, so we need to get these
into our systems as quickly as possible.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
7. Holiday Tasting Fair at Whole Foods Market
EditorÕs note: The following announcement was submitted
by Jim Hallock of Whole Foods Market.
Month of Thanksgiving
As dedicated foodies, November is
always a special month for us. This is a time when we can give thanks for the
bountiful harvest we enjoy. We are thankful that we can help others less
fortunate than ourselves through donations to the Alameda County Food Bank. We
celebrate our holiday of Thanksgiving with a variety of vegan, organic,
alternative and traditional approaches to a meal with family and friends,
remembering that every meal has a story. Join us for our tasting fairs for a
sample of our ÒFoodie FavoriteÓ side dishes, the weekends of November 13-14 and
20-21. Most of all, have a happy, safe and delicious holiday, however you give
Holiday Tasting Fair
11 a.m. – 3 p.m., November 13-14 & November 20-21
Come take a taste of our ÒFoodie
FavoritesÓ, our delicious approach to holiday dinner side dishes, Saturdays and
Sundays in November. And of course, weÕll be sampling some mouth-watering
turkey as well!
Special hours
To help you with your holiday
shopping, we will be open extended hours:
Wednesday, November 24: 7 a.m.
– 11 p.m. and Thanksgiving Day 7 a.m. – 2 p.m.
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8. HNA Planning
Meeting for 2011, Sunday, December 5, 4-5:30 p.m.
Meeting of HNA Steering Committee
Where: 2329 Webster Street (two doors west of Whole Foods)
When: Sunday, December 5, 4-5:30
p.m. (starts and ends promptly)
Set HNA events/dates for 2011
also: HNAÕs Guiding Principles on the Halcyon Neighborhood website
join us for a meeting focused on setting HNA dates for events in 2011
(including neighborhood/park cleanups, community potlucks, a likely disaster prep
drill, and more). New participants welcome! The scope of what weÕll be able to
take on in the coming year depends on the number of neighbors willing to help
organize an event or two during the course of the year. Putting on HNA events
is relatively simple if we have enough folks to help, because we already have a
good information-spreading apparatus in place (between the E-News, which
reaches over 430, our flyer distribution network, and the neighborhood bulletin
board). Come if youÕre interested in helping plan an event or two focusing on
neighborhood watch (crime watch and/or disaster prep, self-defense training,
etc.), cleanups, community building (potlucks, music in park, tai chi in park,
etc.), and/or other neighborhood projects such as a multiblock yard sale or
play dates for kids of various ages.
Steering Committee meets in person just a couple of times during the entire
year and consults in between via a listserv group, so being part of it
represents a relatively small time commitment, which nevertheless is crucial in
holding the container for all we do as a neighborhood organization. Contact halcyon92@gmail.comif youÕre able to lend
a hand. Even if you canÕt make the meeting, you can help out by joining the
Steering Committee listserv. We welcome your participation!
* * * * * * * * * * * *
9. HNA Year-End
Fundraising Appeal
HNA does
not have a formal membership structure or require annual dues because we wanted
to keep participation as broad as possible. At the same time, we incur various
expenses during the course of a year, including paper for flyers, photocopying
and ink cartridges, picnic supplies for events in the park, application fees
for permits, and other miscellaneous costs, and at the moment our coffers are
depleted. In addition, each year we raise funds to enable us to supplement the
supplies in our neighborhood disaster preparedness supply shed (these items are
intended to benefit the entire neighborhood in the event of disaster and include
first aid, search & rescue, and communications supplies plus items for
command center setup in Halcyon Commons park).
are three ways you can respond to this appeal: (1) Make a financial
contribution directly to HNA (not tax-deductible, but allows us maximum
flexibility), and mail or drop off your check to HNA Treasurer Susan Hunter,
3044 Halcyon Court, Berkeley, CA 94705; (2) Make a tax-deductible financial
contribution with check made out to Berkeley Partners for Parks (BPFP, our
nonprofit fiscal sponsor), earmarked Halcyon Commons, and mail or drop off to
HNA Treasurer Susan Hunter, 3044 Halcyon Court, Berkeley, CA 94705; or (3) Make
a direct donation of any of the items listed in our Disaster Supply Cache Wish
List found toward the end of the E-News.
contribution is too small (or too large!). Our neighborhood associationÕs
health and vitality depend on your ongoing support! And in the event of a big
earthquake, some of our lives may very well depend upon it too. Please pitch
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Dates set as of March 2010 (verify a couple weeks before event by checking HNA E-News):
* Ongoing, fourth Sundays (except April) | 11 a.m. - noon | Free Tai Chi Chih practice in Halcyon Commons Park, facilitated by neighbor Judith Schwartz (rain cancels) |
* Saturday in March 13, 2010 | 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. | Work Party in Halcyon Commons & Surrounding Neighborhood with Cal students from Berkeley Project, Halcyon Commons (Halcyon Court at Prince Street) |
* Saturday, April 24, 2010 | 10-11 a.m. | Tai Chi Chih Practice in the Park with Judith Schwartz on World Tai Chi and QiGong Day, Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince) |
* Saturday, May 8, 2010 | 9:30-12:30 | Work Party in Halcyon Commons & surrounding neighborhood, Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince) |
* Sunday, May 23, 2010 | 3-5 p.m. | Disaster Prep Drill, Halcyon Commons park across from disaster prep cache |
* Sunday, June 6, 2010 | 5:30-7:30 p.m. | Summer Community Potluck, location TBD |
* Saturday, July 10, 2010 | 9:30-12:30 a.m. | Work Party in Halcyon Commons & surrounding neighborhood, Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince) |
* Tuesday, August 3, 2010 | 6:00 -8:30pm see detail |
National Night Out Against Crime (potluck 6-7:30; safety walk, 7:30-8:30), Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince) |
* Weekday afternoon in late August (date TBD) | 1:30-4:30 p.m. | Weeding in Halcyon Commons & Graffiti Removal in Surrounding Neighborhood with student volunteers from UC School of Public Health, Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince) |
* Sunday, October 3, 2010 | 4:30-6:30 p.m. | Big Celebration & Potluck in park with live music, Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince) |
* Weekday night in October | (date/time TBD) | SNCPC Annual Meeting , Oakland Senior Center |
* Sunday, October 31, 2010 | time TBD | Costume parade around park for kids, Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince) |
* Saturday, Nov 6, 2010 | 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m. | Big Mulching Work Party & Graffiti Removal in surrounding neighborhood with Cal students from Berkeley Project, Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince) |
* Sunday, December 5, 2010 | 4-5:30 p.m. | HNA Steering Committee meeting to set dates for 2011, 2329 Webster |
* Sunday, January 23, 2011 | 5:30-8:45 p.m. | Post-Holiday Progressive Potluck, four locations TBD |
*HNA’s Disaster Prep Supply Cache Wish List
HNA’s Halcyon Commons Disaster Prep Supply Cache contains items
intended to benefit the entire neighborhood in the event of disaster
(primarily first aid, search & rescue, and communications supplies
plus items for command center setup in Halcyon Commons). You can help
us have what we need on hand in two ways: (1) Make a financial
contribution for purchasing additional supplies to HNA (not tax
deductible) or to Berkeley Partners for Parks, earmarked Halcyon (BPFP
is our nonprofit fiscal sponsor, so a check through them is tax
deductible); mail or drop off your check to HNA Treasurer Susan
Hunter, 3044 Halcyon Court, Berkeley, CA 94705. (2) Contribute any of
the following items in-kind (supplies MUST be new or in EXCELLENT
Police Emergency Number:
911 (from landline);
981-5911(from cell;
preprogram with this number to reach Berkeley emergency from a cell)
Police Nonemergency Number: 981-5900
Link to beat maps and a list of beat officers:
In the Halcyon neighborhood: west of Fulton is Beat 10; east of Fulton is Beat 9.
Link to crime stats,
Link to police bulletins:
Other City of Berkeley Departments:
City Manager’s Office: Jim Hynes jhynes@ci.berkeley.ca.us 981-2493
Nonemergency Call Center for Public Services: Dial 311 (you will be
directed to the appropriate department) to report problems with street
lights (get the tag number off the pole), blocked storm drains, tree
branches down, etc.
Public Works Customer Service: 981-6620 (streets, sidewalks, graffiti,
sewers, litter, storm drains, street lights)
Tree Trimming/Planting (Forestry)/Parks: 981-6660
Written Communication with City Council
To comment to the City Council, use following email addresses:
“City Clerk” clerk@ci.berkeley.ca.us,
“Mayor Tom Bates” Mayor@ci.berkeley.ca.us,
“Councilmember Linda Maio” LMaio@ci.berkeley.ca.us,
“Councilmember Darryl Moore” DMoore@ci.berkeley.ca.us,
“Councilmember Max Anderson” MAnderson@ci.berkeley.ca.us,
“Councilmember Jesse Arreguin” JArreguin@ci.berkeley.ca.us,
“Councilmember Laurie Capitelli” LCapitelli@ci.berkeley.ca.us,
“Councilmember Susan Wengraf” SWengraf@ci.berkeley.ca.us,
“Councilmember Kriss Worthington” KWorthington@ci.berkeley.ca.us,
“Councilmember Gordon Wozniak” GWozniak@ci.berkeley.ca.us
Representatives for Our Neighborhood
Councilmember Max Anderson (District 3) 981-7130
West side of Wheeler Street to the west (except for Woolsey between
Wheeler and Shattuck)
Councilmember Kriss Worthington (District 7) 981-7170
East side of Wheeler to the east (includes block of Woolsey from
Wheeler to Shattuck)
Mayor Tom Bates 981-7100 Mayor@ci.berkeley.ca.us
Zoning Adjustments Board
To comment to the Zoning Adjustments Board regarding projects on their
calendar, email:
Zoning Adjustments Board zab@ci.berkeley.ca.us
(It’s best if at all possible to submit your comments 10 days prior to
meeting for inclusion in the advance packet to board members, but late
submissions will be distributed the evening of the meeting.)
HNA is a community group dedicated to stewardship of the Halcyon
Neighborhood in South Berkeley (bounded by Telegraph, Ashby, Adeline,
and Woolsey). We encourage positive, proactive, partnership-oriented
approaches to improving the well-being of our neighborhood, with an
emphasis on the following goals:
* Community building (such as regular potlucks, special events in
the park, mutual support among neighbors, and multiblock yard sales);
* Ongoing care of Halcyon Commons (a park conceived of and
created by the neighbors who founded HNA) under the nonprofit umbrella
provided by Berkeley Partners for Parks and in partnership with the
City of Berkeley;
* Continued greening and care of the neighborhood (planting
trees, cleaning litter off streets, graffiti removal, and helping maintain public landscaped features);
* Strengthening neighborhood watch (crime watch, community safety
walks, emergency preparedness, and disaster supply cache);
* Networking with the larger Berkeley community (nearby
neighborhood groups, neighborhood businesses, City staff, and elected
* Sharing information and empowering residents to become
proactive in addressing neighborhood needs and in expressing individual viewpoints regarding civic affairs (spreading news through
meetings, flyers, and the HNA E-News, and providing contact
To fulfill these goals, HNA provides a sanctuary from partisan
politics so that neighbors with diverse viewpoints feel welcome to
participate. Thus, HNA only takes stands on larger issues when there
is near-unanimity among neighbors. By focusing on immediate local
concerns, we find we can have a greater impact and get better results
from the time we invest. Guided by these principles, HNA invites neighbors who are willing
to work together in a spirit of partnership to participate at whatever
level makes sense for them. Opportunities for serving on our volunteer
Steering Committee and project-oriented committees are available to
neighbors who are willing to roll up their sleeves and work together
in a nonpartisan spirit. Neighbors are invited to step forward into
leadership positions defined by the work they do in accordance with HNA’s primary goals and guiding principles.
The Halcyon Neighborhood Association E-News: The HNA E-News forwards items of general interest to neighbors in the Ashby/Telegraph/Woolsey/Adeline area of south Berkeley (HNA’s borders), including announcements about community-building potlucks, greening projects, crime watch, disaster preparedness, and work parties in Halcyon Commons park. If you’re receiving this email, you probably either signed up at a neighborhood event or a neighbor forwarded it to you. Please note that to prevent spam, HNA does not share your email address with third parties. If you wish to be removed from this list, please contact HNA Co-Chair Nancy Carleton/Halcyon Neighborhood Association at halcyon92@gmail.com. Feel free to pass the HNA E-News on to other neighbors you think might be interested.
To submit items for the newsletter: Email brief, unformatted content
or links (no graphics or attachments please!) to HNA E-News Editor
Nancy Carleton at halcyon92@gmail.com. Crime-watch reports and news
about neighbors (births, new jobs, announcements about home businesses
or creative projects) are especially welcome. Please note that due to the volunteer nature of the endeavor, the E-News does not include “letters to the editor” or “commentary,” but will gladly include links
to such items written by neighbors in the
Ashby/Telegraph/Woolsey/Adeline area and published elsewhere (the
Berkeley Daily Planet has a large section devoted to opinion). Also,
please note that the E-News is typically published the second week of
each month; submit your item early if it relates to a future event,
and there’s a greater chance it will be included.
HNA Halcyon Safety Walk & Neighborhood Watch Listserv: For those interested in getting breaking crime-watch news, discussing ways to make our neighborhood safer, and perhaps participating in night-time and daytime safety “dog” walks (dogs not required!) to build community and serve as eyes on the street, please contact halcyon92@gmail.com indicating your interest in this listserv, and you’ll receive an invitation to join. For everyone’s safety, be sure to include your full name, address, email, and phone.
HNA Disaster Preparedness Listserv: If you’re interested in helping out with neighborhood disaster preparedness, please contact halcyon92@gmail.com indicating your interest, and you’ll receive an invitation to join. For everyone’s safety, be sure to include your full name, address, email, and phone.
HNA Steering Committee Listserv: If you’re interested in serving on HNA’s Steering Committee in alignment with HNA’s Guiding Principles, email halcyon92@gmail.com to indicate your interest. The Steering Committee conducts most of its business via listserv (with one or two in-person meetings annually); members agree to assist with at least one or two HNA events during the course of the year and to answer Yahoo group polls to aid in planning.
Halcyon Neighborhood Association Facebook Group: Our HNA Facebook group (http://cts.vresp.com/c/?BerkeleyPartnersforP/602147a249/9a00c7ec5d/36acb93edf/gid=292160762499) gives neighbors fresh opportunities to network, build community, and share ideas about issues of mutual concern. Open to immediate neighbors, friends from nearby neighborhoods, and former neighbors who want to stay in touch.
HNA Blog: If you would like to view previous newsletters online (and comment via a blog format, though this is a low activity blog), please visit http://cts.vresp.com/c/?BerkeleyPartnersforP/602147a249/9a00c7ec5d/8af94d44a8.
HNA is an adopt-a-park affiliate with the nonprofit Berkeley Partners for Parks (BPFP). Thanks to VerticalResponse for the donation of email services for sending the HNA E-News!