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Halcyon Neighborhood Association E-News 10/1/10

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Items appearing in the HNA E-News are deemed to be of general interest to neighbors but do not necessarily reflect the views of Halcyon Neighborhood Association (HNA), its Steering Committee, or the Editor. The Editor’s introductory comments and notes express her personal viewpoint.

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1. Celebration with Live Music & Potluck, Sun. 10/3, 4:30-6:30 p.m.

2. Update on Halloween Puzzle Hunt for Adults, Sun. Oct. 31, 5-9 p.m.

3. Halloween Parade Around the Park for Kids, Sun. Oct. 31, 5:45 p.m.

4. Election 2010: Willard Neighborhood Assoc. Candidates’ Forum, Thursday, Oct. 14, Plus Link to Article on Le Conte Forum

5. Election 2010: First Time for Ranked Choice Voting in Berkeley

6. Crime Watch Update: Murder on Adeline at Emerson; Burglary on Deakin; Attempted Burglary on Woolsey; Warning re “Ice Cream Truck”

7. Crime Watch News: Report from Area 3 Coordinator and Link to Article

8. Join the Halcyon Safety Walk/Neighborhood Watch Listserv!

9. Free e-Waste Recycling Thursday 10/14 plus Halloween Festivities 10/31 at Whole Foods Market

10. Lend a Hand on 10/10/10: Native Plant Garden at Alcatraz & Adeline

11. Disaster Prep: Where Are Berkeley’s Gas Lines? (Links)

12. Disaster Prep: Pet Emergency Preparedness (Link)

13. Update from Our New Neighbor: BORP

14. Free Monthly Tai Chi Practice in the Park, Sunday, October 24, 11 a.m.



Editor’s Introductory Note:


Does it matter whether you come to Sunday’s potluck and celebration with live music from Evelie Posch on Sunday? (See item 1.) The short answer is: Yes! In addition to the chance to hear a very talented performer and enjoy some great food, HNA’s community-building and fun events — of which Sunday is one example — also help strengthen our disaster preparedness and crime-watch efforts, because neighbors who know one another can look out for one another — and plan together — more effectively. So come out on Sunday and enjoy your neighbors and the music and food while also knowing you’re helping to fight crime and get ready for the Big One!


The next regular E-News will be coming out November 4 (and there will be an E-Update October 28 about the Halloween events). If you have news to share, email it to me by November 3. In the meantime, hope to see you at Sunday’s celebration!


—Nancy Carleton, HNA Co-Chair and E-News Editor,



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1. Celebration with Live Music & Potluck, Sun. 10/3, 4:30-6:30 p.m.


Fall Celebration & Potluck in the Park!

featuring lively acoustic music from Singer/Songwriter Evelie Posch & Friends
Sunday, October 3, 4:30–6:30 p.m. (live music from 5 to 5:45 p.m.)

Halcyon Commons (Halcyon Court at Prince Street)

[in case of rain, we’ll relocate to 2329 Webster (just east of Halcyon)]


Come one and all to the annual Halcyon Neighborhood Association Fall celebration and potluck in Halcyon Commons. Enjoy a performance by uplifting and talented singer/songwriter Evelie Posch accompanied by some of her musician friends! We’re delighted Evelie is once again lending her strong and beautiful voice to this year’s celebration in the park!


Potluck suggestions: Appetizer: I-L * Main Dish: A-H * Salad: M-T * Dessert: U-Z

If not obvious, kindly attach a label with ingredients for your dish to alert those with vegetarian and other diets.


If so inspired, it's really helpful if you can also bring a BEVERAGE to share. Children welcome! No charge to attend, but donations for the musicians will be gratefully accepted. Many thanks to Whole Foods Market for the donation of plates/napkins/cups and for the delicious Middle Eastern appetizer platter and sheet cake!


Event organizer HNA Co-Chair John Steere would greatly appreciate two to three volunteers to help with setting up and/or taking down for fifteen minutes before (and fifteen minutes after) the event. Call 849-1969 if you can help out in this simple way!


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2. Update on Halloween Puzzle Hunt for Adults, Sun. Oct. 31, 5-9 p.m.


Editor’s note: Neighbor David Mendenhall submitted the following reminder and update.


Halloween Puzzle Hunt, Sunday Oct. 31st, 5-9 p.m.

There’s something strange in your neighborhood . . .


We will be running a Bay Area Night Game (see for general info) in the Halcyon neighborhood this Halloween. This a puzzle hunt where teams of 4 walk from place to place picking up “clues” — puzzles that need to be solved to find a hidden message. The theme of this hunt is that a ghost is roaming our neighborhood, and some houses are handing out haunted treats. Our teams of paranormal investigators will go undercover as trick-or-treaters to collect these clues and bust the ghost. In plain language, a bunch of nerdy grown-ups are going to be walking around our neighborhood from 5 to 9 p.m., probably in costumes. [Editor’s note: Organizer David Mendenhall has indicated that the puzzles are designed to be somewhat challenging for adults, though older teenagers may also enjoy them, and parents are welcome to participate while bringing along their trick-or-treater kids to collect ordinary treats.]


UPDATE: Thanks to those neighbors who have volunteered to help! We are still looking for one more house to hand out puzzles, especially on Fulton, Deakin, or Halcyon Court. All this would mean for you is that when a group of grown-ups comes to your house, you give them a puzzle instead of candy. If you can help us out, email Thanks!


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3. Halloween Parade Around the Park for Kids, Sun. Oct. 31, 5:45 p.m.


Halloween at Halcyon Commons, 5:45 p.m.

Halcyon at Prince Street


Join the fun for our 2nd annual Halloween Parade! Kids and their families are invited to gather at Halcyon Common at 5:45 p.m. for a parade around the park followed by neighborhood trick-or-treating. We’re considering organizing a pre-parade potluck if there is interest. Let Susan know if you are interested at


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4. Election 2010: Willard Neighborhood Assoc. Candidates’ Forum, Thursday, Oct. 14, Plus Link to Article on Le Conte Forum


Editor’s note: By now most of you know that in accordance with our Guiding Principles, HNA doesn’t take position on elections, candidates, and measures, or other issues of potential disagreement — or likely wide range of viewpoints — among neighbors (except in rare cases of near unanimity), although as individuals many of us have strong feelings and clear positions. This fall, in addition to important races at the State level, there are a range of local offices up for election, including School Board, Rent Board, and, in our neighborhood, the District 7 City Council seat currently held by Kriss Worthington (note that Max Anderson, the other councilmember who represents our neighborhood, isn’t up for reelection until 2012), along with a number of local measures on schools, downtown planning, and medical cannabis. While HNA won’t be making endorsements in any of these races, we encourage neighbors to become informed, vote, and make your voices heard! For those of you unclear on boundaries in our neighborhood, District 7 includes the east side of Wheeler (but not the west side) all of Woolsey, both north and south, from Telegraph to Shattuck, and the remaining blocks of Prince, Fulton, Deakin, Webster, Halcyon, Ashby, and Telegraph east of Wheeler (outside our neighborhood, District 7 also includes much of Le Conte, Bateman, and Willard neighborhoods, along with Southside dorms and residences, and a sliver of Northside).


Le Conte Neighborhood Association Candidates’ Night (Link to Article)

Editor’s note: The Le Conte Neighborhood Association Candidates’ Night, attended by all three candidates for the District 7 Council race, was held on September 16. For those of you who missed it, Le Conte neighbor Steve Finacom has written a detailed account available at


Willard Neighborhood Association Candidates’ Forum

Thursday, October 14, 6:30–9:00 p.m.

Willard Middle School Cafetorium

From the WNA announcement: We have confirmations from the three candidates for Council from District 7, Kriss Worthington, Ces Rosales, and George Beier, and the three candidates for Council from District 8,  Gordon Wozniak, Stewart Jones, and Jacquelyn McCormick. We have Mayor Tom Bates and Jesse Arreguin speaking on opposite sides of what we believe will be the ballot measure of most interest to our neighborhoods — the Downtown Area Plan [Measure R]. Karen Hemphill will present the case for BUSD’s two Schools Bond measures.



Each Candidate/Presenter gets to make and opening statement and gets to ask one written question to each of the opposing candidates. The opening statements & questions will be followed by Q&A with the audience.



6:30 to 7:00  Gather in cafetorium

7:00 to 7:05  Welcome and discuss evening's ground rules

7:05 to 7:40  District 7 candidates (all three candidates)

7:40 to 8:15  District 8 candidates (all three candidates)

8:15 to 8:35  Downtown Area Plan (pro & con)

8:35 to 8:55  School Bonds (pro / no formal opposition)

9:00  Clean up and leave (out by 9:15)

For more information, contact Vincent Casalaina at


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5. Election 2010: First Time for Ranked Choice Voting in Berkeley


Editor’s note: Mark Numainville, Deputy City Clerk, asked me to run this item in the September and October E-Newsletters to help spread the word about the new way we’ll be voting in City Council races this November (it doesn’t apply to races where more than one seat is up, such as the School Board and Rent Board races).


Berkeley voters will use Ranked Choice Voting for the first time this November. This method allows the voter to rank candidates in order of preference, and eliminates the need for run-off elections.


In 2010, RCV will only be used in races City Council and Auditor. In these races, voters can (but aren't required to) indicate their first, second, and third choice for an office. The use of Ranked Choice Voting will not change any other part of your voting experience. You may continue to vote-by-mail or at the polls just as you have done in the past.


RCV is as easy as ranking your top three choices — 1, 2, 3.  For more information on how Ranked-Choice Voting works, please visit For any questions, please contact the City Clerk Department at 981-6900 or


If you are a member of officer in a community organization, and you would like to participate in the Voter Education Campaign for RCV, call 981-6900 or e-mail We can do a presentation to your group or provide you with printed materials to distribute to your members. We can all help get the word out about RCV!


Mark Numainville, CMC

Deputy City Clerk, City of Berkeley



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6. Crime Watch Update: Murder on Adeline at Emerson; Burglary on Deakin; Attempted Burglary on Woolsey; Warning re “Ice Cream Truck”


Editor’s note: By now most neighbors have heard of the murder of Adolfo Ignacio Celedon on the corner of Emerson and Adeline on September 12. This article from the SF Chronicle provides some details as well as giving a sense of the tragic loss of a beautiful human being:


A Deakin Street neighbor submitted the following report:


“I wanted to let people know that our house was broken into this morning [September 20]. No one was home, the last person having left at around 10:00 a.m. At about 10:15 a.m. one or two people broke the top half of the front window (which was not wired to the burglar alarm) closest to the front door and climbed through, taking a laptop, a bowl of change, and dumping out a drawer of socks before taking off when the upstairs motion-sensor burglar alarm went off. They also turned on the garden hose and let it run inside; according to the police this was either to scare the dog or to wash off blood evidence (the police were able to find a small sample of blood). They also broke a couple of small panes of glass on the beveled window on the landing. Our house was also seriously burglarized last summer, before we got the alarm on a weekday at around 1:30 in the afternoon with no one home.”


A Woolsey Street neighbor submitted the following report:


“On Tuesday, Sept. 21, at about 11:25 a.m., a man climbed up the front of the house and entered a second-floor window which was open. He opened the door to a bedroom in which my son (a young adult) was still sleeping. My son awoke, which frightened the burglar away, escaping

through the front door. My son called the police who stayed in the vicinity for a couple of hours. I arrived home from work and discussed safety issues with the police. Since our house is located on a corner, it has been more susceptible to break-ins, which we have had over the years even though we have an alarm system. This break-in occurred during late morning on a typically busy street. Luckily, the intruder was not armed.”


Marcy McGaugh, Crime Watch Coordinator for Bateman Neighborhood Association, forwarded the following warning submitted by a Bateman neighbor:


“Have you noticed a pink truck driving slowly through our neighborhood playing ice cream truck music? He stops occasionally and looks around. My daughter tried to buy ice cream while he was stopped and he does not sell ice cream. When we were gone for a few days last holiday weekend someone dragged my bike out through the window opening in our garage. I have seen this truck

trolling our hood several times and decided to follow. He turned down Derby and when I looped around the block he was stopped and looking down someone’s driveway. Deciding he was just casing houses I called the Berkeley police. They say the plate is registered in El Sobrante. They also recommend that

next time we see the truck we call them and let them know. They would like to check out an ice cream truck that does not actually sell ice cream. If you see or hear this truck I recommend you call the Berkeley Police nonemergency number (510) 981-5900 and let them know where it is.”


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7. Crime Watch News: Report from Area 3 Coordinator and Link to Article


Editor’s note: Interesting article on the effects of Oakland’s new anti-gang injunction on crime in Berkeley:


Editor’s note: The following information was put together by Officer Amber Phillips with the BPD Community Services Bureau.



* In the past month there have been 11 residential burglaries in Area 3. Most of these burglaries occurred in South Berkeley on Beats 10, 11, and 12. About half of these burglaries have been committed via unlocked windows or doors. The items being stolen from residences mainly consist of laptop computers and other miscellaneous electronics. Although some burglars are desperate enough to force entry into your home via door pry or breaking windows, most of them would rather take the easier route and let themselves into your home by finding an open door or window. It is very important to lock your doors and windows whenever you are away from your home. It is also smart to be overly cautious and lock your doors even when you are inside your residence, as some burglars will open unlocked front doors and steal items from entryways while you and/or your family are still inside of your home.

**As an additional tool to help you prevent burglaries, you can contact the Area Coordinators to conduct a Security Survey of your residence. All of the Area Coordinators have been trained in Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED). CPTED works by decreasing a criminal’s ability to commit crime and goes beyond traditional security methods by naturally integrating security measures into the community. [call 510-981-5772]



* I know that most of you are aware of the tragic robbery/homicide that occurred at Adeline on Emerson on 9/12/10. The suspects responsible for these crimes have not been yet apprehended. We are unable to provide any further information at this time as this is still an ongoing investigation.

***As a reminder, keep in mind that the suspects were last seen fleeing the area west bound on Ashby  venue in an older model possible midsize two-tone Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV). The only descriptions we have of the suspects at this time are: two black males 25-30 years old.


* On 9/22/10 at about 9:45 p.m., an unknown male attempted to rob a community member of his backpack while he was walking in the area of Fulton St. and Oregon St. The suspect was armed with a stun gun and shocked the victim with it several times. Fortunately, several neighbors/witnesses in the area heard the victim calling for help. Due to the help and quick response from neighbors, the suspect was scared away and was unable to steal any items from the victim. Fortunately, the victim did not sustain any life threatening injuries from the attack. Although officers responded to scene quickly, the suspect fled prior to police arrival as was not apprehended. (BPD Case #10-57739)

SUSPECT: Black male, 20-30years old, brown hair, brown eyes, 5’10, 200 lbs., heavy build, dark complexion, wearing a black t-shirt, jeans and a dark colored baseball cap.

VEHICLE: The suspect fled the scene southbound on Fulton St. in a cream-colored “Japanese-style” sedan.


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8. Join the Halcyon Safety Walk/Neighborhood Watch Listserv & the Halcyon Disaster Prep Listserv!


Editor’s note: The HNA E-News offers an edited digest of news that I hope will be of interest to neighbors, but it only comes out once a month (with occasional E-Updates in between). Of course, crimes and other news happen in the interim. The upside to an edited newsletter is it helps neighbors manage the flow of information and prevents the in-box flooding that can come on a listserv. The downside is that you don’t always receive news on a “breaking” basis, and there isn’t the give-and-take and democratic participation of a listserv. This is just a reminder that HNA does have two targeted listserv Yahoo groups — and neither one of them will flood your in-box! — one focused on crime watch (and organizing night-time safety “dog” walks), and the other focused on planning for disaster preparedness. Please email if you’d like to join either or both of these listservs (please include your address and phone along with your email; to maintain everyone’s safety, these are open only to known neighbors). On the crime-watch listserv, you’ll often hear about issues related to crime in advance of the E-News. Out of respect for all participating, the focus is limited on each of these HNA listservs to the primary focus — crime watch or disaster preparedness respectively. Added note: If an enterprising neighbor would like to set in motion a more general listserv for the Halcyon neighborhood (similar to the Le Conte Chat listserv, for example), please let us know and we can spread the word through the E-News! And Halcyon neighbors are welcome on the Le Conte Chat, as our boundaries overlap, and there are many issues in common (


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9. Free e-Waste Recycling Thursday 10/14 plus Halloween Festivities 10/31 at Whole Foods Market


Editor’s note: Whole Foods Market Marketing Team Leader Jim Hallock forwarded notice of two upcoming events that may be of interest to neighbors.


FREE e-waste recycling, Thursday, October 14, Noon-7 p.m.          

Bring all your old TVs, computers, and electronics to be recycled in a safe, environmentally-conscious way. Just drop them off any time between noon and 7pm at the rear of the store.


Ghoul’s Walk, Sunday, October 31,  Party 11:30-4 p.m.; Treats all day

All goblins and ghouls, stop by any time for Halloween treats. Kids in costume can take the “Ghoul’s Walk” and go trick-or-treating, and each department of the store will have a treat for you. Join us between noon and 4pm for live music by Asheba, face painting, a costume contest, and lots of goodies. It’s going to be so fun it’s scary!


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10. Lend a Hand on 10/10/10: Native Plant Garden at Alcatraz & Adeline


Editor’s note: Volunteer events are taking place all around the country and all around the planet on 10/10/10 (see for more on this Global Work Party). One of these events is taking place near our neighborhood. Given the tragic murder earlier this month, giving some TLC to the Adeline corridor seems especially relevant. A nearby neighbor submitted this announcement.


Volunteer Opportunity: Lorin Garden Installation/Revitalize Alcatraz/Adeline!

Sunday, October 10, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.


“Perhaps people know about the garden project and revitalization of the historic site of Lorin Station at the corner of Alcatraz and Adeline. There will be a work party on 10/10/10 for those who would like to come out and volunteer to help create a native plant garden.  One of the best ways to combat crime is to

create neighborhoods worth caring about. Here are the details for anyone who is interested:


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11. Disaster Prep: Where Are Berkeley’s Gas Lines? (Links)


Editor’s note: While the information is sketchy, following the explosion in San Bruno, many in Berkeley are starting to wonder where gas pipelines are in our neighborhood:


“PG&E releases list of high-priority repair jobs” (article from SF Chronicle)


“Gas leak know-how: tips for dealing with a gas emergency” (article from SF Gate)


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12. Disaster Prep: Pet Emergency Preparedness (Link)


Editor’s note: Some useful information for people with companion animals on how to get them ready to survive a disaster:


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13. Update from Our New Neighbor: BORP


Editor’s note: The following information was submitted by Reba Knickerbocker, Fitness Coordinator at Bay Area Outreach & Recreation Program (BORP), one of our new neighbors at the Ed Roberts Campus.


The BORP Fitness Center is opening the first week of November. Construction is finishing up with only the inside of the building and finishes to go. Currently we are running satellite classes including Adaptive Yoga, Feldenkrais, and Gentle Stretch. All classes are open to everyone.  

In addition to preparing for classes and moving we have also been reaching out to folks via our Facebook pages: and

the BORP blog


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14. Free Monthly Tai Chi Practice in the Park, Sunday, October 24, 11 a.m.


Free monthly Tai Chi Chih Practice (fourth Sundays at 11 a.m.)

Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince)

Facilitated by Prince Street neighbor Judith Schwartz, 510-843-2062;


Editor’s note: Judith also offers ongoing classes to teach the Tai Chi forms in her peaceful Prince Street gardens; you can contact her for more information.


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